AI in Science: new European Commission's Policy Brief

The European Commission’s Directorate-General Research & Innovation (RTD) has issued an important policy brief on the role and potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in science and innovation: “AI in Science - Harnessing the power of AI to accelerate discovery and foster innovation”

The challenges and drivers of change brought by AI emphasize the necessity for EU-level action and initiatives to develop an enabling ecosystem for AI in science.
Thus, the policy for AI in Science will:

  1. Accelerate AI uptake by scientists in the EU to harness AI’s transformative impact in science for societal benefits and global competitiveness.
    This involves reducing barriers to adoption, strengthening the data and compute ecosystem, identifying strategic R&I investments for the use of AI in science and developing the right policy enablers.
  2. Monitor and steer the impact of AI in the scientific process.
    This includes monitoring the impact of AI on research careers, addressing ethical challenges and risks of misuse. Citizen engagement and pro-active communication, monitoring and evaluation actions will be important to preserve public trust in AI-driven science.

This policy brief will be followed by stakeholder consultations in the second half of January (EU Survey open for 4 weeks) to inform future policy measures.