Study association
The Law & Economics society is dedicated to bridging the gap between two major disciplines in our society: law and economics. With the rise of platforms and big tech companies such as Facebook and Google, the combination of these disciplines is more relevant than ever. Connected to the Master's programme Law & Economics of Utrecht University, we aim to organise relevant activities for anyone interested in competition and market regulation.
The Law & Economics Society pursues the following goals:
- Organising activities concerning topics like competition and regulation of the market. They organise study trips with both academic and social aspects. LES organises interesting guest lectures, visits to companies and institutions and other activities besides the regular activities organised by the university.
- LES enhances the cohesion of the students of the master Law & Economics. Therefore they organise social gatherings which can be joined by students and professors.
- Above all, LES tries to create a community for everyone.
This means that LES welcomes both students of the master Law & Economics as well as bachelor students who are interested in this master.
Read more about the Law & Economics Society.