Study association
Criminologists Crossing Borders (CCB) is the subassociation of Study Association Ad Informadum. CCB is the study association for students of the Master's programme Global Criminology and the Minor Criminology at Utrecht University. The aim of CCB is to bring these students together to provide a lively exchange of ideas and knowledge on issues that are important for all (future) criminologists.
CCB aspires to broaden knowledge and stimulates networking by organizing several extra-curricular informal and formal events. This includes all kinds of events every year: from an introduction drink and celebrating Christmas to trips to potential future employees and alumni events. As the Master's programme Global Criminology has a good proportion of international students, CCB takes pride in being a culturally diverse community with members from all over the world. Therefore, all our activities are in English. Our study is relatively small and has a friendly and informal atmosphere, which matches the character of the association. We hope to welcome you to CCB next year! Have a look at the instagram page of Criminologists Crossing Borders.