Career prospects
During the Master’s programme, you will be challenged to determine which career perspective best fits your talents and interests. We will guide and support you to focus your programme on obtaining all the skills required for a certain career path.
Academic careers
A number of Environmental Biology Master’s students continue on to PhD studies. Utrecht University provides several opportunities for PhD research, such as the PhD programme in Environmental Biology. However, there are also excellent opportunities to perform your PhD research elsewhere in the Netherlands or abroad.
Non-academic careers
It is also possible to pursue a non-academic career. As a graduate you can also find employment in:
- research institutes, such as the RIVM, TNO, KNAW-NIOO, NIOZ, Plant Research International
- environmental consultancy firms, such as Arcadis, Royal Haskoning, Witteveen en Bos
- private or governmental nature conservation organisations, such as World Wildlife Foundation, Natuurmonumenten, Wetlands International, the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency provincial water boards, or ministries and provincial authorities.
- industry, such as Monsanto, ENZA Seeds, Rijk Zwaan, DSM, Genetwister or Keygene
- zoos, such as Burgers Zoo, ZOO Antwerpen, Vogelpark Waldroden), Stichting AAP, or Noldus.
Career Services
UU Career Services offers training related to career orientation and job application skills; examples include writing an application letter and CV and conducting a job interview. You can find more information about career services on UU Career Services for Dutch students or UU Career Services for international students.
Careers Day
Once a year Utrecht University organises a Careers Day. The Careers Day offers the opportunity to sign up for workshops and trainings, and to meet recruiters at the careers fair. It’s also possible to join a job application training or have your resume checked.