Week of the Game: Vaccination game "Fire the Virus"

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image of the vaccination game

Experience the field of game research and industry in its entire width! Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Utrecht Center for Game Research organizes a virtual Week of the Game, presenting various game-related activities, from the vaccination game "Fire the Virus" to scientific lectures.



Students of the Game and Media master program, together with students of the HKU, University of Arts Utrecht, present their showcases.


As part of the exam for Game Programming, student write code for the vaccination game "Fire the Virus". See the above picture


A group of ten students, including two students of the Utrecht Grafisch Lyceum present their training game for the Police Academy, for training international collaboration.


Bart van Greevenbeek gives a presentation "Comparing Aiming Methods in VR", about the effectiveness of aiming with gun controller, mouse, or head in VR shooter games.


Ioannis Fermanis presents his work "Adaptive Textual Guidance usingSpecificity in Virual Reality Games".

Start date and time
End date and time