Seminar: The Cultural Cold War

De BVD heeft onder meer Jan Wolkers (1963) (Bron: L.H. Hofland/Collectie Het Utrechts Archief) en Simon Carmiggelt (1973) (Bron: Rob Mieremet/Anefo) jarenlang in de gaten gehouden
The BVD monitored Jan Wolkers (1963) (Source: L.H. Hofland/Collection Het Utrechts Archief) and Simon Carmiggelt (1973) (Source: Rob Mieremet/Anefo), among others, for many years

On Tuesday 23 April, the seminar The Cultural Cold War: The Low Countries in a Global Network aims to shed light on cultural networks during the Cold War.

Global and intellectual cultural network

This seminar aims to shed light on the formation of global cultural and intellectual cultural networks during the Cold War, by zooming in two seemingly minor players: The Netherlands and Belgium. How did artists, intellectuals and institutions in these countries position themselves in the cultural and geopolitical scene? We discuss the relations between the Low Countries and Indonesia, the Caribbean, African countries, and Western and Eastern Europe.

This seminar, organised by Frank Keizer and Laurens Ham, is based on the NWO Open Competition XS project The Secret Life of Writers: Dutch Intelligence Agencies and the Literary World during the Cold War. This project revolves around the question whether security and intelligence services had a big influence in the Netherlands during the Cold War.

    Start date and time
    End date and time
    Janskerkhof 2-3, room 0.19

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