Revolutionary cosmopolitanism

Transnational migration and political activism, 1815-1848

Detail Landverhuizers - Eugène Laermans (1864–1940). Bron: Wikimedia/Lukas - Art in Flanders VZW
Detail Emigrants - Eugène Laermans (1864–1940). Source: Wikimedia/Lukas - Art in Flanders VZW

On 22 January the online conference Revolutionary cosmopolitanism. Transnational migration and political activism, 1815-1848 will take place. The keynote will be given by Dr Maurizio Isabella (Queen Mary, University of London), Crossing the Mediterranean in the Age of Revolutions: the Multiple Mobilities of the 1820s
followed by a response by Prof Beatrice de Graaf (Utrecht University). 

This one-day conference aims to open a conversation between migration history and the history of political thought and practices related to the subsequent waves of revolution in Europe and the Atlantic world between 1815 and 1848. How did experiences of migration and cross-boundary mobility contribute to the formation of common revolutionary cultures? What forms of interplay existed between transnational migrations, cosmopolitanism, the rise of nationalism and imperial reform movements?


Start date and time
End date and time

You can either register for the keynote only or for the whole of the conference. To receive a link for attending, please contact Camille Creyghton:

More information
Click here for the full program