Inclusion and Social Safety - 2024 III

Inappropriate behaviour can take many forms. You may find yourself in such a situation, or you may witness someone else dealing with it. The question is, how do you respond to such a situation and what is effective?

Utrecht University stands for a socially safe and inclusive work environment. How do you personally contribute to that? And how can you, as a team, discuss your cooperation and interactions with one another. How do you have a constructive conversation about what is desirable or undesirable behaviour?

This training will provide you with methods to discuss social safety and how everyone can contribute. But you will also reflect on how inclusive your team is. What is equality, diversity & inclusion (EDI)? How do you create an inclusive culture where everyone feels at home and can bring out their best? What barriers do you encounter and how do you address them?


Postponing judgement and limiting assumptions helps you engage in an open dialogue and have a conversation based on curiosity. In this training, you will learn to postpone judgement and become aware of how your cognitive biases influence your thoughts, decisions and actions. Not only will you learn how to postpone judgement, you will also receive practical tools to deal with socially unsafe situations and to work towards a more inclusive organisation. 

In this 2 x 4 hour training, we will discuss the theory around equality, diversity & inclusion and social safety, examine specific situations and practice conversation techniques. The first session focuses on bias, equality, diversity & inclusion. The second session focuses on psychological and social safety. Between sessions, participants are expected to practice and experiment.

Learning objectives

  • How perceptions and biases work
  • What equity, diversity & inclusion is and how you can increase it
  • What inappropriate behaviour is and what influence it has on yourself and the organization
  • How to create a socially safe environment
  • Practical tools and techniques to actively tackle inappropriate  behaviour
  • The support structures that has been developed within the UU and where to turn when you or a colleague feels (socially) unsafe 


Day 1:  08-10-2024  from 13:00 - 17:00
Day 2:  23-10-2024  from 13:00 - 17:00

Who is it for

A Solis-id is a requirement for this course. Please check the website here for more information and how to apply a Solis-id. Make sure, before the start of the course, if your Solis-id works for you.


A trainer of Human Centric

Our no-show policy
We are happy to offer development opportunities to all UU employees. These activities are paid for, and registering also means fulfilling your responsibilities.

This is how we work:

  • When you have signed up for a training, we expect you to actually attend the activity.
  • If you have registered for the training, we expect you to attend the entire workshop.
  • If you have to cancel the training, please do so as early as possible, at least 10 days in advance, so that we can give other people the opportunity to participate.
  • If you cancel too late or without notice, you will not be able to participate in the next training.

More information
If you have any questions about the training course ‘Working in a diverse environment – Dealing with differences at work’ in particular or about inclusion in general, please contact or read all information on the website.

Start date and time
End date and time
Utrecht Science Park
Entrance fee
This course is free for GSLS PhD candidates with a Solis-id

You can register by filling in the registration form.

More information
Social Safety