3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Virtual Reality

Utrecht conference now hosted online

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Artificial Intelligence & Virtual Reality 2020 conference announcement

After two successful conferences in Asia and the US, respectively, we were looking forward to bring IEEE AVIR to Europe for the first time. Utrecht University was planned to be the host. Due to the COVID-19 situation, we decided though to switch to a virtual event. The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR 2020) in December 2020 will thus take place fully online.

IEEE AIVR is a unique event, addressing researchers and industries from all areas of AI as well as Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality. It provides an international forum for the exchange between those fields, to present advances in the state of the art, identify emerging research topics, and together define the future of these exciting research domains. We invite researchers from Virtual Reality (VR) as well as Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) to participate and submit their work to the program. Likewise, work on AI that has a relation to any of these fields or potential for the usage in any of them is welcome. 

Please refer to the IEEE AIVR 2020 website for more information and the programme. Note the sessions might be organized in a different time zone.

Start date and time
End date and time