Dr. Martine Broekhuizen

Education and Pedagogy
Educational Consultant/Trainer
Educational Development & Training

Martine Broekhuizen is a researcher and consultant at Educational Development and Training (O&T). Her core interests concern Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) quality, parent-(pre)school partnerships, inclusive education, and children's early socio-emotional development. In addition, she is involved in several projects related to Team Learning in primary education.

Next to projects related to the aformentiontened topics, Martine is teaching courses about how to effectively supervise PhD-candidates at several universities in the Netherlands and Flanders. She is also a lecturer in a BA-3 course on Inclusive Education and Care of the Bachelor Pedagogische Wetenschappen, and supervising thesis and internship students of the Master Youth, Education and Society (YES).


Over the last years she has co-supervised five PhD-candidates:

  • Christel Eijkholt (2022). Children's rights and citizenship: A perspective for inclusive and democratic education and care for young children. Child, Family and Education Studies, Utrecht University.
  • Helga Norheim (2022). Partnership between parents with immigrant backgrounds and professionals in ECEC. Department of Education, University of South-eastern Norway.
  • Ingrid Løkken (2022). Staff-child interaction-quality and children’s social competence in Norwegian ECEC. Department of Education, University of South-eastern Norway.
  • Ryanne Francot (2021). Immigrant parents' acculturation strategies and involvement in children's education. Child, Family and Education Studies, Utrecht University.
  • Yue Song (2019). Little Benefactors: How Helping and Sharing Develop within Social Contexts. Developmental Psychology, Utrecht University.