Jelle Boeve-de Pauw is an associate professor of science education at the Freudenthal Institute at Utrecht University. As a biologist and educational scientist, he is interested in environmental education, education for sustainable development, science and STEM education and citizenship education. Issues of measurement and evaluation in these fields are central to his research. He received his PhD degree in 2011 at the University of Antwerp in Belgium and was awarded the 2014 Rudi Verheyen early career award for best research with relevance for environmental policy in Flanders.
At Utrecht University he teaches in the master programme Science Education and Communication, with a focus on subjects relating to science-society dynamics and research methods in the educational sciences.
Jelle is associate editor for the Springer journal 'Environment, Development and Sustainability' (ENVI, 2022 JCR IF = 4.080), for 'Education and Public Awareness' section.
As of 1 January 2024, Jelle leads the consortium of the Horizon Europe Project IMP>ACT. More information about this project can be found in the below Education for Climate Talk (hosted by the European Commission in March '24).