Dr. Irina van Aalst

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Princetonlaan 8a
Kamer 6.10
3584 CB Utrecht

Dr. Irina van Aalst

Associate Professor
Urban Geography
+31 30 253 4531

“Supervisors and policy makers should assume more from the positive strength and cheerfulness in the urban night like pleasure-seekers experience them too.”

Irina van Aalst is Urban Geographer. Van Aalst's research is positioned at the intersection of urban and cultural geography. She publishes and supervises PhD candidates in topics such as urban public spaces, nightlife, growing up in the city and American cities. In a recent project, Van Aalst collaborated with social scientists and humanities academics on a toolkit for creative methods to map urgent issues, to analyse them and to work with social partners on (more) sustainable urban futures.

Van Aalst is also Programme Coordinator of the Master's programme Urban and Economic Geography and is Faculty Ambassador for Community Engaged Learning. She obtained her PhD in Utrecht in the field of Human Geography and Urban Planning. Van Aalst is a board member of Stichting Journallab, which is focused on the development of meaningful journalistic research. Besides that, she is a member of the Supervisory Board of architectural centre Aorta in Utrecht.