The urban patron saint Martin and performative expressions of urban citizenship in past and present are thematized in a public festival on 3-4 July 2022 at the occasion of the 900th anniversary of the Utrecht charter issued in 1122. The festival is a collaboration between the NWO Citizenship Discourses-project with various partners within the city and University of Utrecht. The two days will include the full performance (from First Vespers on Sunday, July 3rd to Second Vespers on Monday, July 4th) of the chants that bishop Radbod of Utrecht (899/900-917) composed for the festive commemoration of the translatio of Martin’s relics on July 4th, and a public symposium on 4 July. At the end of the second day, the festival will be closed with the presentation of the book Het wonder van Sint-Maarten: Utrecht, een gelukkige stad (red. Els Rose, AUP) to the mayor of Utrecht. More information (in Dutch only) on
In the project ‘Annotating History: Managing Digital Heritage Interactively’, historians from Utrecht University work together with Brill Publishers, Museum Huis Doorn and the University Library to develop new possibilities for annotating digitised heritage (such as early printed books, archival documents and images). They will design a versatile annotation tool, based on a prototype that was developed in the project Annotated Books Online (2012-2014).