Research focus: Biomolecular interactions, Biomolecular docking, Structure and dynamics, Biomolecular modelling, NMR spectroscopy, Computational structural biology
Prof. Alexandre Bonvin is professor of Computational Structural Biology and scientific director of the Bijvoet Centre for Biomolecular Research at Utrecht University.
The social life of proteins
Bonvin researches how biomolecules interact with each other. Biomolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids and lipids are essential to all living organisms. In his research, Bonvin tries to uncover the social life of proteins, or how they recognise each other in order to carry out their work. The form of the proteins plays an important role in this, and these can only be researched using advanced computer models.
Computer models help develop new medicines
Bonvin’s computer models provide an insight into the various processes that take place within the body, in minute detail. In this way, his research is the start of a chain process which enables the targeted development of new medications. As the coordinator of the European WeNMR project (worldwide e-Infrastructure for NMR and structural biology), Bonvin also ensures that the latest computer models and technologies are made available to fellow researchers around the world. In this way, his fundamental research makes an important contribution to applied science.