Prof. dr. A.M.J.J. (Alexandre) Bonvin

Nicolaas Bloembergengebouw
Padualaan 12
Kamer 1.22
3584 CH Utrecht

Prof. dr. A.M.J.J. (Alexandre) Bonvin

NMR Spectroscopy
+31 30 253 3859

Alexandre Bonvin is available for interviews on the following subjects:

  • Biomolecular interactions
  • Biomolecular docking
  • Structure and dynamics
  • Biomolecular modelling
  • NMR spectroscopy
  • Computational structural biology

1 December 2020 in De Ingenieur: Deepmind kraakt geheim van gevouwen eiwitten (in Dutch)

5 June 2020 in ScienceDaily: New killing mechanism discovered in 'game-changing' antibiotic

29 April 2019 blog on Structural Biology GRID: Structural Biology GRID (SBGrid) Developer Tale “Aye Aye Captain”

Mondiaal 3D onderzoek van eiwitten dankzij grid computing - SurfMagazine (in Dutch)

On platform Hoe moleculen communiceren (in Dutch)

Interview 'Het sociale leven van een molecuul' (in Dutch)