Afgesloten projecten
Geschiedenis van Heineken, 1864-2014 01-01-2011 tot 01-01-2014
Algemene projectbeschrijving

Het 150-jarig bestaan van Heineken in 2014 vormt de aanleiding om terug te kijgen naar de geschiedenis van de onderneming vanuit het perspectief van de 21e eeuw. Omdat Heineken tot de toonaangevende brouwerijen ter wereld behoort, is de geschiedenis van deze onderneming niet alleen van belang voor de onderneming zelf. Zij draagt ook bij aan een beter begrip van de bedrijfstak. Bij de geschiedenis van Heineken staat het thema van expansie via overnames en samenwerking centraal. Het is opmerkelijk dat Heineken, ondanks de vele overname en samenwerkingsverbanden, toch een sterke indentiteit als onderneming en als merk heeft opgebouwd. In deze studie komen verder thema's als marketing, internationalisatie, technologie, menselijk kapitaal en de voor- en nadelen van het familiebedrijf aan de orde. Resultaten van het onderzoek worden via papers gepresenteerd aan de academische collega's en het eindproduct is een boek ter gelegenheid van het 150-jarig bestaan van de onderneming.

3e geldstroom - overig Het project wordt geheel gefinancierd door Heineken
100 jaar Royal Boskalis Westminister NV. De geschiedenis van de Nederlandse baggerindustrie. 01-01-2008 tot 31-12-2010
3e geldstroom - overig
The Corporate Governance of Dutch business during the 20th century: structural changes and performance 01-01-2007 tot 31-12-2011
Algemene projectbeschrijving

The research aims at contributing to the important societal debate from an economic-historical perspective, on the basis of a study of the long-term performance of the Dutch business system during the 20th century. It consists of four projects. The first three projects investigate corporate governance characteristics: (i) protective devices or takeover defenses; (ii) executives, supervisors and their networks; and (iii) dividend policy and financing. The fourth project is a synthesis in two respects, as it both describes the relations between governance characteristics in the previous projects and relates governance to performance. The synthesis will offer a chronological and thematic account of the development of the governance structure of Dutch business during the 20th century. It will incorporate the results of the other three projects dealing with different aspects of corporate governance, and analyze a number of case studies to show in more detail how the governance mechanisms operated in practice (or in some cases: failed to operate effectively), what the consequences were for performance of those companies and the role played by the different stakeholders. The themes of this project will be dealt with in detail, including the societal discussion about corporate governance and its impact on the actual management structure of Dutch companies.

2e geldstroom - NWO
Overige projectleden
  • Abe de Jong (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Concurrentie en concentratie in het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven gedurende de 20e eeuw 01-03-2004 tot 01-06-2012
Algemene projectbeschrijving

This study aims to describe and analyze the way Dutch businessmen tried to eliminate the risks of doing business during the 20th century. The study looks at different kinds of collusion, ranging from business interest associations and cartel-agreements to full mergers and acquisitions. Both quantitave and qualitative data will be used and the development of the concentration process will be illustrated by case studies. The firm is the focal point. The way Dutch businessmen cooperated will be compared to the daily practices in this field in US, UK and Germany. The theoretical approach of this project is derived from the literature on the 'business system' and 'the varieties of capitalism'.

Anders 1e en 3e geldstroom
The co-evolution of the national infrastructure and innovation in Dutch business in the 20th century 01-07-2002 tot 01-09-2006
Onderzoeksleider & uitvoerder
2e geldstroom - NWO
A History of Royal Dutch Shell 01-01-2002 tot 31-12-2007
Algemene projectbeschrijving

On 5 July 2007, exactly 100 years after the merger which created Royal Dutch Shell, this study into the history of Royal Dutch Shell at Shell headquarters was presented. In this study (that appeared in four volumes), it is explained how Royal Dutch Shell was among the handful of oil companies that acquired a significant part of the global markets in the First decades of the Twentieth Century. 

3e geldstroom - overig
Bedrijfsleven in Nederland in de 20ste eeuw (BINT) 01-01-2002 tot 01-01-2014
Algemene projectbeschrijving

The national research project Dutch business in the 20th century (Bedrijfsgeschiedenis in Nederland in de Twintigste Eeuw (BINT)) had the competitiveness and changing characteristics of the Dutch business system during the twentieth century as its main focus. The goal was to make an in-depth analysis of the most important elements of the Dutch business system and their adaptation over time to the major economic, social and technological developments of the 20th century. The analysis is internationally comparative because only in this way, the typical Dutch characteristics can be highlighted. The analysis is formed by relevant social theories, particularly, though not exclusively, drawn from institutional economics.

The BINT Projectwas initiated by the Business History Research Group of Utrecht University and its Research Institute. The Netherlands Economic History Archive (NEHA), the Erasmus University Rotterdam and the Foundation for the History of Technology at Eindhoven University also participated.

For more information, have a look at the project website.

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