Marine Carbon Biogeochemistry: a Primer for Earth System Scientists

New Open Access book by Jack Middelburg

Jack Middelburg, Professor of Geochemistry in the Department of Earth Sciences, wrote a new book on Marine Carbon Biogeochemistry that was recently published.

The book discusses biogeochemical processes relevant to carbon and aims to provide readers, graduate students and researchers, with an up-to-date insight into the functioning of marine ecosystems.

In the book, Jack has adopted a carbon centric approach, but other elements are included where relevant or needed. The book focuses on concepts and quantitative understanding of primary production, organic matter mineralization and sediment biogeochemistry. The impact of biogeochemical processes on inorganic carbon dynamics and organic matter transformation are also discussed.

The book is freely available in Open Access. It can be downloaded directly from the Springer website in both pdf or epub format!