Events: conferences and workshops

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Past events

Research Conference 2019

The European Alternative Finance Research Conference took place on the 15th of October which was already the 3rd edition of this conference. It convened around 70 researchers, practitioners and policy makers at the Utrecht University who occupied all available seats at the conference venue. That speaks for a growing network around the European Centre for Alternative Finance (ECAF) that addresses relevant topics around access to finance for SMEs the past couple of years. Read more.

Research Seminar Rotem Shnoer:

On the 10th of April 2018 Rotem Shnoer (University of Adger, Norway) held a research seminar at U.S.E. titled “Crowdfunding- Trends, Opportunities and Challenges” Rotem is co-founder of the Nordic Crowdfunding Alliance. His research and teaching focuses on crowdfunding, motivations for crowdfunding contributions and engagement, success factors of crowdfunding campaigns, cross-country comparisons and community aspects of crowdfunding behavior. The Seminar covered several topics in the crowdfunding context, from the  introduction of various types of crowdfunding, to the determinants of a successful campaign and possible challenges. A specific focus was set on the Nordic countries and platforms. Additionally, Rotem presented one of his working paper “Is Reward Crowdfunding planned Behavior ?”, examining to what extent crowdfunding contributions are a planned or spontaneous behaviour.

Research seminar Alistair Milne:

On the 23rd of May 2018, Alistair Milne (Loughborough University, UK) held a Seminar at ECAF. His research revolves around banking performance, monetary transmission and financial stability; and on the network economics of financial infrastructure including retail payments and securities and derivatives clearing and settlement. In the Seminar Alistair presented his ongoing research “Marketplace lending: business models and regulation in Australia and the UK”, investigating business models and regulation in the rapidly growing marketplace of Peer2Peer lending. Through qualitative interviews in the UK and in Australia, risk assessment and competition by banks was examined. Tentative conclusion include the suggestion of a functional approach to regulation.

ECAF international- presence in the first half of 2018

15.-18.05.2018 - Networking for ITC countries, Talinn

06.-07.06.2018 - Networking for ITC countries, Bratislava

28.-29.06.2018 - Cambridge- yearly congress- Networking with academic researchers and invitations for 2nd Alternative Finance Research Conference

17-07-2018        - Conference in Milan (Uni Politecnico di Milano)

Crowdfunding Research Week 2017

From 7-9 June 2017, Utrecht University School of Economics (U.S.E.) hosted the inaugural Crowdfunding research week of the European Centre for Alternative Finance (ECAF), co-organized by U.S.E., CrowdfundingHub and Sustainable Finance Lab. 37 researchers from 7 European countries spanning across 21 organisations contributed to a successful event.
Download a summary of the event (pdf)