Your study association can win 500 euros through Our Big Fat Green Trip

Did you know that around 26 percent of Utrecht University’s carbon footprint is made up of its mobility choices? As the university works on reducing this percentage, this is a good time for study associations to also analyze their own mobility habits. Through the Big Fat Green Trip project, we aim to incentivize your study association to adopt more sustainable travel plans, with support and a 500 euro prize.

Don't be held back. Be mobile, sustainably!

Why study associations?

We at the Green Office think that study associations such as yours are in an excellent strategic position to promote sustainable travel options, thanks to their being in constant contact with their students, and their frequent organizing of group trips. Study associations are therefore key stakeholders in Utrecht University's sustainable development, and so we have decided to target them with our new project: Our Big Fat Green Trip.

Our Big Fat Green Trip

With this project, we plan to encourage and incentivize Utrecht University study associations to adopt more sustainable travel plans in terms of transport, namely by rewarding one study association that already made sustainable plans in 2020 with a 500 euro prize!

Additionally, we will provide study associations with all the information they require on sustainable travel options that are interesting and affordable. Also we will create a ‘green travel ranking’ of all study associations that organize group trips in the spring or summer of 2020. This will create a spirit of competitiveness among study associations, while giving a confidence boost to study associations that are already opting for sustainable trips, and inspiring others who can make progress in the following year.

Click here to learn about Tiemen's experience of travelling through Russia, South Korea, Mongolia, China, etc. without a single flight, or here for Marenthe's experience of coming back from her exchange in Japan without flying.

Another story of why I should not fly? What a bummer!

We are aware that, if people feel pressure to travel more sustainably, they might often sigh and think of how inconvenient this would be. All the advantages of other forms of transport are often overshadowed by the portrayal of flying as a more glamorous form of transport, along with its perceived efficiency and its cost (which never covers all the negative externalities caused by flying). And yet, what could be more glamorous than being comfortably seated in a train to France, and passing the time with chats, wine, grapes, and some card games with your friends? Such travel options should not be left in the shadow of the current flying epidemic.

How to take part in this project?

Do you have tips regarding sustainable modes of transport or interesting destinations that are easily accessible by public transport? Are there other ideas that you would like to share? Email us at with 'Our Big Fat Green Trip' in the subject line. There is no need to sign up for Our Big Fat Green Trip, as all student associations are automatically involved in this project! Over the following months, a Green Office research team will collect the necessary information by contacting all of the UU associations. In February 2020 the Green Office research team will publish the green travel ranking and announce the winner of the competition. All UU student associations have already received an email with the details of the project and ranking. If you are a student you can ask your study association what your association is doing to travel more sustainably in the context of this project.

Our Big Fat Green Trip is a project of the Green Office. The Green Office is where fresh hearts and minds come together to support Utrecht University’s sustainable development.