Two RMU teams nominated for Team Science Award 2023

To celebrate the achievements of its researchers, UMC Utrecht introduces the Team Science Award for interdisciplinary research teams. This year, two out of three teams nominated for the UMCU Team Science Award 2023 are part of the RMCU! These teams are:

Utrecht Biofabrication Team

The Utrecht Biofabrication Team is a diverse and multidisciplinary group that connects research to clinical questions, exploring 3D bioprinting technologies to create functional living tissues that can act as advanced in vitrol models or regenerative implants. The team is internationally renowned and has been shaping the field in recent years. It is composed of experts from different disciplines, including biotechnology, physics, biomedical sciences, organic chemistry, mechanical engineering, veterinary and human medicine. Through the close involvement of the clinicians and using a “team science” approach, we develop translatable technologies that start from fundamental questions with clinical impact. Although the team sprouted from the department of orthopaedics, over the last 15 years it has accelerated many research translational lines on in vitro model development (e.g. of the liver, kidney and pancreas) and tissue regeneration (e.g. cardiac muscle and meniscal tissues) within the UMC Utrecht.

Core team members:

  • Jos MaldaProfessor, Department of Orthopaedics, Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells (also affiliated to Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of Utrecht University)

  • Riccardo LevatoAssociate Professor, Department of Orthopaedics, Division of Surgical Specialties, Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells (also affiliated to Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of Utrecht University)

  • Mylène de RuijterAssistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedics, Division of Surgical Specialties, Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells (also affiliated to Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of Utrecht University)

  • Joost van DuijnProject Lead, dLAB, Innovation Center for Advanced Therapies, Biofabrication Pilot Factory

  • Paulina Nunez BernalPhD candidate and Biofabrication master’s program coordinator, Department of Orthopaedics, Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells

  • And a diverse multidisciplinary team of more than 25 researchers.

Watch the video pitch from The Utrecht Biofabrication Team here:


Metabolic diseases impact >10,000 families in the Netherlands. Since most metabolic disorders have no effective treatments, they are a leading cause of child death. TEAmRNA wants to change this.

With cutting-edge technology, we’re getting to the core of these diseases: the genetic defect. With mRNA-nanomedicines we can temporarily restore these defects. Recently, we treated the first Dutch patients with mRNA-nanoparticles and results are encouraging! We are now developing an in-hospital production line for tailor-made mRNA-nanomedicines.

Unfortunately, mRNA expression is short. Our patients require infusions every 2 weeks. Therefore we develop new mRNA-therapeutics that can achieve permanent correction of the disease-causing mutation with minimized risks. We have just treated the first animals in preparation for human patients.

None of this would be possible without teamwork: translating cutting-edge genetic nanomedicine technologies from bench to patients into society in an ethically sound manner.

Core team members:

  • Sabine Fuchs, associate professor, kinderarts metabole ziekten
  • Ray Schiffelers, Full Professor, Central Diagnostic Laboratory
  • Karin Jongsma, Associate Professor, Julius Center, dept. Global Public Health & Bioethics
  • Edward Nieuwenhuis, Full professor, Gastroenterology & Hepatology research
  • And associated research groups of the 4 applicants, the clinical department and lab of metabolic diseases, the research support of the 030 lab and the pharmacy.

Watch the video pitch from TEAmRNA here:

Voting is open for UMC Utrecht employees only, and is possible until October 3rd at 12:00. The winner will be announced during the Research Day College Tour by the dean, professor Arno Hoes. 

Read more about the Team Science Award 2023 on the UMC Utrecht website