Thomas Grimm appointed Professor of Quantum Gravity and Geometry

Thmoas Grimm in his office

As of 1 December 2021, Thomas Grimm is appointed as Professor of Quantum Gravity and Geometry at the Institute of Theoretical Physics. His research in the field of theoretical high-energy physics and string theory has a strong impact in the academic community. In 2020, he received a Vici grant for his project ‘How cosmology emerges from quantum gravity’.

In his reseach Grimm studies models for cosmology and particle physics that admit a completion with quantum gravity. He thereby focuses on extracting general constraints from the underlying fundamental theory and investigates the imprints of a candidate theory of quantum gravity known as string theory. In his Vici project he uses insights from quantum gravity to understand the mysterious properties of dark energy – a substance believed to be resposible for the observed rapid expansion of our universe.  


Grimm is not only an excellent researcher, but also an efficient and well-organised leader who knows how to inspire his research group and has a sense of teamwork. Since coming to Utrecht in 2016, he has managed to expand his research group by winning several research grants. His teaching activities receive very positive reviews and he has guided many TWIN students following a joint physics and mathematics degree as Bachelor and Master supervisor. Since 1 September 2021, Grimm has been Master’s programme director, representing the three Physics Master’s programmes for the Graduate School of Natural Sciences.

From the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Grimm will also continue to seek connection with the Mathematical Institute and the Institute for Gravitational and Subatomic Physics (GRASP). In particular, he collaborates with mathematicians working on fundamental aspects of algebraic and differential geometry.

Thomas Grimm

Thomas Grimm standing before a blackboard

Thomas Grimm received his Master’s degree from the University of Cambridge and obtained his PhD in Hamburg, after which he did a postdoc at the University of Wisconsin in the US. He then returned to Germany to conduct research at the University of Bonn and led a Max Planck research group for six years at the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich. In 2016, Grimm joined Utrecht University as an associate professor.