Special issue of the Journal of Literary Semantics: Explorations in Cognitive Literary Science

Journal of Literary Semantics

The Journal of Literary Semantics, a peer-reviewed, international publication for literary and linguistics scholars, has recently published a special issue on the topic of ‘Explorations in Cognitive Literary Science’. The articles in the special issue constitute a dialogue on what the humanities might offer cognitive sciences.

This special issue is edited by Prof. dr. Michael Burke (Professor of Rhetoric at UU/UCR) and Dr. Emily Troscianko (Oxford). Professor Burke’s own contribution in the special edition is entitled ‘The rhetorical neuroscience of style: On the primacy of style elements during literary discourse processing’.

The aim of the Journal of Literary Semantics is to concentrate the endeavors of theoretical linguistics upon those texts traditionally classed as ‘literary’, in the belief that such texts are a central, not a peripheral, concern of linguistics.

  • Title: Journal of Literary Semantics - Explorations in Cognitive Literary Science
  • Author: Michael Burke en Emily Troscianko (eds.)
  • Publisher: 2013, Mouton De Gruyter (Berlin)