Sabine Fuchs receives Vici grant for research metabolic diseases

Sabine Fuchs, paediatrician in metabolic diseases at the UMC Utrecht/ WKZ has received a prestigious Vici grant from ZonMw. This will allow her to expand her research lines and develop gene-correction tools to treat metabolic diseases with the latest techniques. By testing efficacy and safety for three metabolic diseases, it will lay the foundation for clinical treatments of various metabolic diseases in patients. That this grant is being awarded to a paediatrician is unique.

Read more about how Sabine is going to use the grant on the UMC Utrecht website.

Of the 35 Vici grants that the NWO has awarded, six have gone to Utrecht-based scientists: two from Utrecht University, two from the Hubrecht Institute and one from the UMC Utrecht. A total of 337 applications had been submitted.