RM publiekcampaign "Nieuwe nieren" completed

The RM public campaign "Nieuwe nieren" was a success!

In this campaign, we showed what regenerative medicine contribute by means of a concrete example: the kidney.
The campaign focuses on the stories of patient Desirée, and researchers. With the stories we show what the impact of kidney disease is on a patient's daily life and what we can mean for the future of kidney patients within regenerative medicine.

The campaign had:

  • Nearly 225.000 views on social media
  • Nearly 2000 visitors on the website




With the participation of: Desirée (nierpatiënt), Marianne Verhaar, Maaike van Gelder, Fjodor Yousef Yengej, Elana Meijer, Bas van Balkom, Joost Fledderus.


More information are available here (in Dutch).