PPRC contribution within public procurement law on protecting employment and working conditions

On February 22th, two members of the Dutch parliament filed a motion on working conditions in public procurement. In their opinion attention should be given to this subject in the recent report on Beter Aanbesteden (Better Public Procurement). That’s why the MP’s asked the government to have examined how the working conditions of the people realising a public contract could be better and more concretely observed  by the central government.

In 2015, PPRC-researchers prof. dr. Elisabetta Manunza and Gerrieke Bouwman LLM advised the Stichting van de Arbeid (Labour Foundation) on this matter.

The PPRC contribution gives insights in the possibilities within (EU) public procurement law on protecting employment and working conditions when a public contract is transferred to a new undertaking. The advice served as a legal background document for the briefing document ‘Transfer of employees and their working conditions in case of public procurement, outsourcing and (“sham”)bankruptcy’, which was sent to former Minister of Social Affairs and Employment Asscher.

The advice (in Dutch) can be found on the website of the Labour Foundation.

This subject will also be addressed in the upcoming congress on public procurement (in Dutch); hosted by VU Amsterdam and Utrecht University.