Podcast 'UU Docentenkamer': first episode ‘De startende docent’ is online

The life of a university lecturer is versatile and comprehensive. Often combined with a doctorate and/or research, lecturers provide lectures, lead seminars, want to offer education in an attractive and dynamic way and learn to deal with the pressure that exams and correction rounds entail. It is a diverse and challenging task package.

How do you find your way as a teacher in this wondrous world? And how can you as a teacher make a difference, add a personal touch to education, do things differently and improve education? In the podcast series 'De UU Docentenkamer’, Senior Fellow Vincent Crone and educationalists Annet van der Riet and Rik Vangangelt talk to our lecturers in varying combinations and ask them everything they need to know about all these themes and their vision of the future of the university. You can hear about what lecturers undoubtedly discuss with each other on a regular basis.

The first episode ‘De startende docent: die gevreesde Eerste Keer’ is now online. The first experience of teaching: how do you prepare for it and how does a starting teacher look back on it? In this podcast episode, we discuss this with teachers Anna Vera van Beusekom and Irene van den Broek. Both of them still have their first time fresh in their mind. How do they look back on their baptism of fire? How did they experience their first years as a beginning teacher? What did they like and what did they find difficult? And what did they need to turn from a good teacher into a better one? All of this will be covered in this episode.

The podcast is in Dutch.
