New Bestek podcast: COVID-19 & public procurement

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What is possible within public procurement law in a time of crisis like COVID-19? Willem Janssen of Utrecht University discusses it with Matanja Pinto.

The coronavirus currently dominates many parts of our lives. It also has a strong impact on public procurement and the professionals who work with public procurement law. Dr. Willem Janssen and and Matanja Pinto, public procurement lawyer at DVLP advocaten in Amsterdam discuss the possibilities. Janssen is Assistant Professor in European and Dutch Public Procurement Law at Utrecht University and over there a researcher involved in the Public Procurement Research Centre and the research centre RENFORCE

His guest Matanja Pinto and Janssen himself, quickly agreed on one aspect: during this crisis, we need to help each other. In this episode of Bestek they discuss the most important public procurement law aspects of the crisis. This way, they aim to help contracting authorities and tenderers who have questions.