Kick off meeting Migration and Societal Change

The new focus area on Migration and Societal Change would like to invite you to their kick off meeting on 29 January 2020. Everybody, from (aspiring) PhD-candidates to full professors, with an interest in migration and societal change is welcome to join.

The aim of the meeting will be to provide an overview of research related to the focus area in Utrecht, to start the dialogue between Utrecht-based researchers, and to gather and discuss ideas about the types of activities that we could and should initiate and organize within the focus area.

We believe that it is the combination of disciplinary perspectives and the close cooperation with societal partners that can lead to new scientific knowledge that is useful for addressing societal challenges in the field of migration and we aim to make Utrecht’s research in this field more visible.


15.00: Introduction focus area by Executive Board (Barbara Oomen, Maykel Verkuijten, Christoph Baumgartner, Ilse van Liempt).

15.15: Announcement of first seed money call Migration and Societal Change

15.30 Speed date sessions where there will be ample opportunity to meet with others who share your interest in research.

We will also collectively explore relevant topics for the focus area Migration and Societal Change. 

17.00: Drinks

Venue: Janskerkhof 2-3, room 0.19.

Please let us know if you'll join us by sending an email to