KHMW Langerhuizen Oeuvreprijs to Dennis Dieks and Floris Cohen
Dennis Dieks and Floris Cohen have been awarded the prestigieus “Langerhuizen Oeuvreprijs”; a prize that is awarded by the Koninklijke Hollandse Maatschappij van Wetenschappen, for particularly important oeuvres.
This year, this prize was advertised for lifetime achievements in the history and philosophy of the sciences – it is wonderful to hear that Dennis and Floris are the winners.
Also, Robert-Jan Wille has been awarded a research grant by the KHMW!
On behalf of the Descartes Centre: congratulations to Dennis, Floris and Robert-Jan, and many thanks for all your great work!
More information in Dutch: Prijsuitreiking – Langerhuizen Oeuvreprijs & Bate, Van der Aa Oeuvreprijs, Van der Knaap Proefschriftprijs en Proefschriftprijs Interdisciplinariteit | KHMW