Food Challenge

Studium Generale

Who determines what you eat?

How do your daily ingrained habits influence your eating behavior? In the run-up to the Science CafĂ© 'Who determines what you eat', we challenge you to investigate this.

Do you think your diet is your own free choice? Health scientist Dr. Maartje Poelman (UU), brain researcher Dr. Floor van Meer (LEI) and cultural historian Jon Verriet, MA (RU) dare to doubt this. On Monday, November 18, from 20.30 to 22.00 pm, they will discuss this with each other and the public at the Science Cafe in Vredenburg Tivoly. To make the evening even more interesting, Studium Generale challenges you to investigate your own eating behavior in the run-up to this talk show: how many food choices do you make each day? And how quickly do you get the "Better (W) Eat Bingo" card full? Take a closer look and discover the food choices you make on a day.

We won't explain more now, so sign up for the Food Challenge newsletter if you want to stay informed.