Dialogue 2: Protecting Academic Freedom in the EU – a Legal Perspective

Past Event

Our second Dialogue took place on the 22 of November 2022.

What role and responsibilities do institutions at various levels of governance in the EU have in protecting academic freedom and how are these divided and coordinated?  What are the relevant legal competences of the EU and those of the Member States? Is the EU sufficiently equipped to protect the university, its institutional autonomy, and in particular academic freedom as enshrined in the CFREU (art 13)? What are implications for universities; what is at stake for society? 

With Henk Kummeling (UU), Kurt Deketelaere (KULeuven & LERU)Sascha Garben (College d’Europe), Discussant: Lavinia Kortese (UU).

You can find the slides of the presentation here.

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