Combine starting your own company with your studies or research

UtrechtInc. starts validation programmes focused on students and researchers

UtrechtInc. Student Validation

In possession of a great – and scalable – idea, but not enough time to explore the potential during a full time incubation programme? Startup incubator UtrechtInc. now offers two part time validation programmes, specifically tailored for students and researchers.

During the validation programme student startups and science based startups learn to understand their product, customer and business model in a few months’ time. The programme offers workshops, activities for team building, affordable office and co-working spaces at Utrecht Science Park, mentorships and introductions to relevant partners and investors.

The validation combination

Researchers spend one day a week on the programme, combining working on their research with the validation of their business idea(s). Each student team will decide for themselves how the programme fits in with their study obligations, so they have the opportunity to be a student first and an entrepreneur second. Both programmes are free of charge, after active participation UtrechtInc. will refund the initial commitment fee.

The five month validation programme for students starts twice a year, in October and March. Researchers are in the programme for ten months, starting in September. At least one team member of each team has to be a student, scientist or alumnus at either Utrecht University, Hogeschool Utrecht or University Medical Center Utrecht.


Researchers have until September 9th to hand in their initial proposal for the programme starting on he 23rd of September. The first student teams start on October 7th and can compete for a spot by handing in their application on September 23th at the latest.

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