Celebrating 10-years of the Master's Sustainable Business and Innovation
This year the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development will be celebrating the 10-year anniversary of the Master’s Sustainable Business and Innovation (SBI). As this is quite the milestone, there are several events planned throughout the year. This will include opportunities for current students to learn about possible career paths after SBI and networking moments for Alumni, teachers, and current students.
Alumni Talks
Alumni Talks will allow current students to become familiar with possible career paths, learn about the careers of former students and the importance of sustainability within public and private firms.
During each evening 2-3 alumni will give a presentation on what they have learned and experienced throughout and after SBI. Depending on the presenters, a theme will be linked to the evening. These will be announced shortly!
The talks will be followed by drinks–a nice opportunity to catch up with friends, teachers and Alumni.
- Thursday 8th December 19:30
- Thursday 2nd March 19:30
Location: KBG – 208.50
If you are interested in attending one or both of these talks, please sign up here: https://forms.gle/PwXvradrGBZyw7Ax7
Student mentorship programme
We have noticed that SBI students are enthusiastic about connecting with alumni to learn more about possible career paths. To make this happen we are setting up a student mentorship programme, where alumni are connected to small groups of students to discuss topics such as: What is important when applying for jobs? Where do former students end up? And what tools learned during the SBI programme are useful in a work setting? We will provide topics, but adjustment of the content is welcome.
Applying to be a mentor or mentee does not require presence at all three events! However, you can only sign up as SBI alumnus or student.
- Thursday 8th December (physical session in combination with the alumni talks)
- Wednesday 11th January (evening, online)
- Tuesday 9th May (evening, online)
If you are interested in participating in the student mentorship programme, please fill in the following form: https://forms.gle/JBxXNjg6eiDXANhDA
Alumni Event
We will conclude the festivities with a big alumni event at the end of the academic year. The exact content of the event is still being developed, but it promises to be a great evening centred with lots of socialising between SBI students, alumni and teachers, and most importantly celebrating SBI’s 10th anniversary.
Date: Thursday 22nd June 2023, 16:00 20:00
Location: Social Impact Factory, Utrecht (near Central Station)
To get an indication of the number of people who would like to attend the event, we invite you to fill out this interest form: https://forms.gle/6RyGsau179fmesK2A
Formal invitations with the itineraries of the activities will be sent to those who sign up. The organising team is looking forward to meeting many of you over the coming 10th Anniversary year. For questions you can contact Marlijn de Jonge: m.f.dejonge@students.uu.nl.