Call for Proposals - Second Round of Innovation Grants

The UU Honours College organizes its second round of ‘Innovation Grants'. With this funding instrument, we want to stimulate new educational initiatives that help students and teachers to address the challenges posed by global change in the era of the Anthropocene, and as reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN. The grants should enable educators to push the boundaries of their own expertise, and together with students from various backgrounds explore and experiment with innovative teaching.

The goal of the grant is to provide a temporarily exemption for permanent and/or temporary staff members from teaching and administrative tasks. It is also intended to create educational interventions with and for external stakeholders. The funding instrument is also meant to encourage Utrecht University educators to create educational interventions that may qualify for external funding, such as a Comenius subsidy, at a later stage. The amount of the grant is approximately €5,000 to €10,000.


  • Application: Opens February 2, 2023, submissions can be made to the Honours College (
  • Closing: March 31, 2023, 17.00 CET
  • Decision-making: As soon as possible, but April 15, 2023 the latest.
More information
Honours Education page