“An all-round programme, looking at research data management from all angles.”

An introduction to Research Data Management

“I especially liked the parts on open science and privacy-sensitive data. They were more interactive and resulted in interesting discussions”, says Danny de Koning, data manager at Utrecht University. This summer he attended all four parts of the introductory programme Research Data Management. This programme is particularly for data specialists who support researchers with research data management. These specialists get to know the available tools, services and guides available at Utrecht University.

Since good data management is a new, broad and fast developing field, researchers are provided with support. All kinds of data specialists are ready to help them out. We as Research Data Management Support feel responsible to bring together RDM consultants, data managers, data engineers, data security officers, information managers and other data specialists of Utrecht University.

In the introductory programme a wide range of subjects is discussed. The programme deals with all facets of research data management which may come up in your research. The information from the first meeting was very useful. Take metadata for instance. I could use this information straight away in my faculty in relation to the description of datasets.

Shared understanding

The programme consists of a series of four half-day in-house sessions, given by our own experts in data management. Afterwards, data specialists have a shared level of understanding about the data management services offered by Utrecht University, the overall trends and expectations in the field of research data management and open science. Furthermore, they meet their peers and become part of the Utrecht Data Management Community.

In the introduction to open science, I discovered many new points of view. And besides: I have made useful contacts within the university. Now it is much easier for me to refer people to the right persons.

Autumn programme

The summer edition was a tryout version. Four to fourteen participants attended one or more of the four sessions. Overall, they found it very useful.

Learning from the summer edition, we will offer an even better programme in the autumn.

Want to join?

The second session of the autumn programme will be on November 5th. Here you'll find more information about the workshop.