Career prospects

This programme prepares you for a position as a researcher in a university context, such as a PhD candidate, and it also prepares you for high-level academic positions in the educational practice and policy field.

Academic career

  • PhD candidate at a university

Professional career

The programme also prepares you for a career as an applied researcher in educational institutions and services, such as:

  • Education and educational research departments at universities, colleges, and professional colleges/polytechnics
  • Teacher education colleges and universities
  • University-related research centres, educational service agencies, and knowledge centres
  • School and child advisory services
  • Governmental educational departments and inspectorates
  • Non-profit, private, and/or commercial educational research institutes and knowledge centres.

Educational Sciences: Learning in Interaction turned out to be a great preparation for a career in research, but there are many other options outside academia.

Career development

To help you prepare for your career and familiarise yourself with the labour market the programme, the faculty and Utrecht University offers several services and activities.

During my Master’s, I did a research internship at the Institute of Education at the University of Zürich. The people there were very impressed with my knowledge of research techniques, they thought I was already at PhD level.