Dr. Annette van den Berg

Adam Smith Hall
Kriekenpitplein 21-22
Kamer 2.17

Dr. Annette van den Berg

Assistant Professor
+31 30 253 7811

Assistant Professor at Utrecht University School of Economics (U.S.E.), 
                            member of chair Microeconomics and Institutional Economics, and Section Economics.

- teaching and coordinating the U.S.E. course Microeconomics, Institutions and Welfare 

- teaching and coordinating the PPE course Microeconomics

- teaching the U.S.E. course Introduction to Economics and Business Economics
- supervising theses 
- study mentor

- research into effect of worker participation on firm performance
- research into historical development of worker participation

- international comparative research into the effect of worker participation and team composition on corparate governance and firm performance


- Member of the U.S.E. Board of Examiners

- Member of the Board of Advice of SOMz (Stichting Onderzoek Medezeggenschap)