Workshop Bridging social sciences and AI for Understanding Child Behavior

In cooperation with the 22nd ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction

Robot girl
Image by Gerd Altmann, Pixabay

In cooperation with the 22nd ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, researcher Dr. Roy Hessels from Utrecht University is organising a workshop on  "Bridging Social Sciences and AI for Understanding Child Behavior”.

Child behaviour is a topic of wide scientific interest, among many different disciplines including social and behavioural sciences and artificial intelligence (AI). Yet, knowledge from these different disciplines is not integrated to its full potential, owing to among others the dissemination of knowledge in different outlets (journals, conferences) and different practices.

In this workshop, we aim to connect these fields and fill the gaps between science and technology capabilities to address topics such as: using AI (e.g. audio, visual, textual signal processing and machine learning) to better understand and model child behavioural and developmental processes, challenges and opportunities in large-scale child behaviour analysis, implementing explainable ML/AI on sensitive child data, etc. We also welcome contributions on new child-behaviour related multimodal corpora and preliminary experiments on them.


Professor Justine Cassel (Carnegie Mellon University, PRAIRIE Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in AI), professor Elena Lyakso (St. Petersburg State University) and dr. Jorg Huijding (Utrecht University) will provide the keynote speeches. For the full programme, see the workshop's website .

Start date and time
End date and time

Attending would require some form of registration for the 22nd ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (see their website).

More information
Workshop website