UnMASKing: Using Covid-19 to engage young people in human rights education

Lege winkelschappen tijdens coronacrisis
Photo: Christopher Morris: COVID-19 empty store shelves

Professor Felisa Tibbitts, Chair in Human Rights Education at SIM, Utrecht University, will host the webinar "UnMASKing: Using Covid-19 to engage young people in human rights education" on Wednesday, 11 November 20:00 - 21:00 Amsterdam time. 

In this event, Prof. Tibbitts will talk about the importance of linking human rights with current issues and discuss the two Human Rights Education curricula for secondary level students that she developed.

These curricula explore: (a) how the pandemic has revealed underlying human rights issues (such as racism); and (b) how young people can express the personal experiences and take action in some way to promote human rights in their community. 

To join the webinar please send an e-mail to (rechten.sim@uu.nl) with "RSVP: unMASKing webinar” in the subject line. Participants will receive a Zoom link the day before the webinar. 

Prof. Tibbitts’ Chair is funded by the Soroptimists in The Netherlands and the webinar is co-sponsored with SIM, the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights at Utrecht University.

Start date and time
End date and time

To join the webinar please send an e-mail to (rechten.sim@uu.nl) with "RSVP: unMASKing webinar” in the subject line. Participants will receive a Zoom link the day before the webinar.