PhD Defense: Control instruments in the Dutch Unemployment Act: 1987-2020. A legal study.


Madhvi Ramparichan will defend her dissertation at Utrecht University on 31 March 2021.


The thesis consits of research concerning important control mechanisms used by the legislator to amend the Dutch Unemployment Act since 1987 to affect the behavior on the labour market and therefore control the amount of un employment benefits. The research also concerns the question how the legal position of the employees/unemployed has developed in relation to the aforementioned amendments in the last 30 years.

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End date and time
Online (link)
PhD candidate
Madhvi Ramparichan
Sturingsinstrumenten in de WW: 1987-2020. Een juridische studie.
PhD supervisor(s)
prof. mr. F.J.L. Pennings
prof. dr. J.J. Schippers