PhD defence: Type-Safe Generic Differencing of Mutually Recursive Families

Thesis by V. Cacciari Miraldo MSc


The UNIX diff tool, which computes the differences between two files in terms of a set of copied lines, is widely used in software version control. The fixed lines-of-code granularity, however, is sometimes too coarse and obscures simple changes, i.e., renaming a single parameter triggers the whole line to be seen as changed. This dissertation explores techniques and implementations for detecting and reasoning about changes in a finer granularity.

Start date and time
End date and time
University Hall, Domplein 29
PhD candidate
V. Cacciari Miraldo MSc
Type-Safe Generic Differencing of Mutually Recursive Families
PhD supervisor(s)
prof. dr. G.K. Keller
dr. W.S. Swierstra
More information
Full text via Utrecht University Repository