NWO Synergy '21

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NWO Synergy ’21 explores Future Societies from the perspective of the individual and the collective, moving through the development of new interactions and communities, to perspectives on the future of humanity in a posthuman society. Synergy ’21 will underscore the significance and relevance of scientific research and knowledge development that will affect our shared future.

At Synergy '21, NRC journalist Caroline de Gruyter will challenge a panel of diverse scholars on what social sciences and humanities have to offer in stirring up a livelier and more open debate on a future that will always include our European neighbours in one way or another. During the panel, Utrecht University's Liesbeth van de Grift, one of the leaders of the IOS hub Future for Citizen-based Initiatives, will speak on the role of organised citizens in European governance. After the panel, Harvard Business School professor, Shoshanna Zuboff will take a look at our own individual but now very digitized self as representing value in a highly globalized market.

For more information on the event and how to participatie, visit the website of NWO Synergy '21.

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End date and time