Movie screening: "Living Labour"


The film "Living Labour" shows the lives of migrant workers in the Netherlands. Their forced dependency on their employer, their precarious living conditions and the hardships they need to endure. The film gives a face to the often left faceless migrant workers working in the background of our society.

During our event the filmmaker Renzo Sgolacchia will be present and give an introductory speech. After the screening of the film there will be a panel discussion with experts on the topic of labour migration, as well as a Q&A with the filmmaker. We are happy to have Shinozaki Kyoko (Paris Lodron University of Salzburg), Carolien Lubberhuizen (Utrecht University) and Anna Ensing (Fairwork) present as panelists. The Q&A and the panel will be moderated by Bianca Szytniewski (Utrecht University).

The screening is an initiative by us the focus are Migration and Societal Change, in cooperation with I-CLAIM and the VISION Project.

We cannot wait to welcome you to the event.

Start date and time
End date and time
Louis Hartlooper Complex, Room 2
Entrance fee

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