GSLS PhD Supervision Event 2022


Hybrid relationships & how to handle them

An event for both PhD supervisors and PhD candidates including the festive announcement of the Supervisor and Daily Supervisor of the Year Award 2022.


Each year the PhD Council of the Graduate School of Life Sciences announces the PhD Supervisor (promotor) and Daily Supervisor (co-promotor) of the Year. To honor this important award, they organise an event on supervision including a festive award ceremony. They selected a theme that became very important during the covid pandemic: Hybrid relationships.

Supervision is one of the key factors influencing the course of the PhD journey. PhD surveys indicate that a professional relationship between PhD candidates and supervisors is pivotal for a successful PhD journey. Within the GSLS we aim to provide support for both the PhD candidate and the supervisors to help them in building a good and professional relationship. A good and frequent communication, management of expectations and giving and receiving feedback are crucial components of this relationship. Because supervision is such an important component, the GSLS PhD Council organises an event focusing completely on supervision. An event for both supervisors and PhD candidates.

The Award

Thank you to all PhD candidates that nominated their (daily) supervisor. We received many nominations! They thought their (daily) supervisor is a brilliant scientist, a role model, accessible, enthusiastic, or just great in any other way. By nominating their (daily) supervisor they show their appreciation for their way of supervision and we would like to inspire other supervisors to guide their PhD candidates in the best way possible.

The Supervisor of the Year Committee (Dario Cramer, Fleur Froeling, Pauline Kiss and Danique van Rijswijck) has selected several nominations and subsequently interviewed the PhD candidate that nominated the (daily) supervisor. The Committee then selected a Supervisor of the Year and Daily Supervisor of the Year, based on the interviews and personal motivations of the PhD candidates.

Event Programme
15.00-15.45  Opening and plenary session Dr. Theun Pieter van Tienoven - Graduate students locked down? PhD students’ satisfaction with supervision during COVID-19 lockdowns
15.45-16.00  Supervisor of the Year and Daily Supervisor of the Year Award Ceremony
16.15-17.00   Workshops
17.00                Drinks (please register for drinks via the UMC Research Day form)

Plenary session - Roze Collegezaal, UMC Utrecht
Dr. Theun Pieter van Tienoven - Graduate students locked down? PhD students’ satisfaction with supervision during COVID-19 lockdowns

Dr. van Tienoven is a post-doctoral research fellow and part-time guest professor at the Research Group TOR of the Sociology Department of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He is also affiliated with the Social Policy Research Centre at the University of New South Wales in Sydney Australia as a visiting fellow to follow-up on-going research activities. His main research involves cross-national comparisons of time-use surveys on topics like gender division of labour, gender equality, childcare, leisure, informal care, life balance, time pressure, well-being, and the family.

Workshops - Vergadercentrum UMC Utrecht
Team Hybride Werken Bytes from the UMC Utrecht will offer 2 workshops. The team is oriented on smart (digital) working, collaboration and knowledge sharing, connection, vital working and result-oriented working.

Workshop 1 by Petra Stuitje: Digital connections - beyond the tools: Create awareness that digital connections require more than just tools.
The workshop will provide tips to flourish in a hybrid work setting.

Workshop 2 by Nadine Lammers: Safety in hybrid working relations: Create awareness for the social and psychological aspects of hybrid working relations.
The workshop is focused on recommendations to improve psychological safety at work.


Registration for the plenary session and award ceremony is not necessary. If you would like to attend a workshop, please register here.

Start date and time
End date and time
Roze collegezaal, UMC Utrecht

Registration for the plenary session and award ceremony is not necessary. If you would like to attend a workshop, please register here.