Career Services: Life Sciences Career Event (ONLINE)


During this Life Sciences Career Event ONLINE webinars, (young) alumni who work in different jobs at different organizations, will tell you more about their work. Get to know how it is like to work at a pharmaceutical company, at a non-profit organization or within academia. This webinar will start of with a short introduction, after which two alumni will give a presentation about their career and the choices they made. You have the possibility to ask all your questions beforehand or during the webinar by chat.


Erik Oudeblenke:

"After finishing my Bachelor of Pharmacy, I was much more interested in things like insulin and antibody drugs than the typical small molecule drugs you find in a public pharmacy and I realized I was much more interested in developing new drugs than in dispensing them. Despite this early interest it was not an easy decision to leave the “safe” path to become a Pharmacist for the “uncertain” path to a career in drug development. But I ended up choosing the (GSLS) Master Drug Innovation and I have never regretted that. I also think that choosing the “research path” early has really shaped my career and helped me get to where I am today. It was then a more natural decision to also get a PhD after my studies and I worked for four years at the (UU) Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences. After that I worked for 1,5 years as a postdoc between UU and the RNA therapeutics company ProQR in Leiden and in 2018 I moved to Sweden to work for AstraZeneca’s R&D site in Gothenburg."

Thomas Broekhoff:

"After finishing my bachelor in Biomedical Sciences at Utrecht University, I have graduated from the master’s programme Epidemiology of the GSLS in July 2020. During my master, I focused on Health Economics and financing of medicines. For my electives, I did a two-month internship at HollandBIO, the Dutch industry association for biotech companies. Directly after graduating, I started my first job at HollandBIO as project manager, where I try to help making the Netherlands the best possible place for biotech companies developing new treatment innovations."

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