Medical Leadership in postgraduate medical education

Invitational Symposium on Medical Leadership in postgraduate medical education

This invitational symposium focusses on the what, why and how of medical leadership in post-graduate medical education. Medical leadership is a trending topic. In 2015, the CanMEDS role ‘manager’ changed to ‘leader’. Also, many national initiatives are currently drawing attention to medical leadership in the Dutch healthcare system. While the urgency seems clear, many practical issues remain unsolved. 

How can we embed this subject in medical education? Who should take charge? Could medical leadership training for physicians also have negative consequences? And finally, is medical leadership just another hype?

These types of issues will be discussed in detail through both plenary lectures by Margriet Schneider and Olle ten Cate and a pro-contra debate. Three invited speakers from Canada (Ming-Ka Chan, Deepak Dath and Anne Matlow) who have played a big part in the realization of the CanMEDS ‘leader’ role and the international movement on medical leadership, will share their experience throughout the afternoon.

During this afternoon we challenge you to take part in the discussion. First, Olle ten Cate will share his knowledge on Entrustable Professional Activities in the light of medical leadership. Then two teams consisting of residents and medical specialists (a.o. Fedde Scheele) will spark off a pro-contra debate after which the floor will be opened to the rest of the audience.

Date: Tuesday November 22nd 2016
Location: van Peperzeelzaal, Q-gebouw, UMC Utrecht
Time: 14.30 – 16.45 + drinks afterwards
Costs: free


  • 14.15    Registration and Coffee & Tea
  • 14.30    Introduction by Margriet Schneider and Judith VoogtWhat is medical leadership?
  • 14.45    Olle ten CateHow can we train and assess medical leadership using the EPA model?
  • 15.15    Pro-contra debate - Why should, or should not, medical leadership be embedded in postgraduate education? (a.o. Fedde Scheele, Mirko Noordegraaf)
  • 16.30    Wrap up & drinks

Guest speakers
For more information, check their biografies in the sidebalk.

Dutch speakers
Prof. Fedde Scheele is a gynaecologist at St. Lucas Andreas Hospital and a professor in Health Systems Innovation and Education at VU University Medical Center. He heads a group of PhD-students working on several perspectives of societal accountability of medical training. He is the chairman of the College for Medical Specialists (CGS) and Dutch Society for Medical Education (NVMO). 

Prof. Olle ten Cate is a Director of Research and Development of Education at the University Medical Center Utrecht. Moreover, he is an adjunct  full professor at the university of San Francisco. His research interests include vertical integration in the undergraduate medical education, peer teaching and competency-based postgraduate medical education. He is the founding father of the new movement in competency-based education: the Entrustable Professional Activity. 

Prof. Margriet Schneider is the president of the Executive Board of the University Medical Center Utrecht. During her career she worked as an internal medicine specialist and medical educator. Her research interests include Quality and Patient Safety and Medical Leadership. She is the co-founder of the Utrecht University focus area Professional Performance.

Prof. Mirko Noordegraaf is a professor of Public Management and the chair of the Executive Board of the Utrecht School for Governance at Utrecht University. His research focusses on organization and management issues in public domains, with particular emphasis on public managers, varying from government managers, via police managers to health care and school managers. He is the co-founder of the Utrecht University focus area Professional Performance.

Judith Voogt is a MD and PhD candidate at the University Medical Center Utrecht and the Utrecht School for Governance. Her research focusses on Medical Leadership in post-graduate medical education, combining medical education research with public administration and organizational psychology. She works as a resident at the Geriatrics department with a special interest for the development of a new geriatrics curriculum and the supervision of  medical students.