Prof. dr. Ineke Maas

Sjoerd Groenmangebouw
Padualaan 14
Kamer B2.04
3584 CH Utrecht

Prof. dr. Ineke Maas

Associate Professor
+31 30 253 4074

Research projects:

HISCAM: trends and international comparisons of intergenerational, marriage and career mobility

From network to work? Social networks of ethnic groups and the dynamics of benefit receipt

Women in higher management positions

Resources, Intersectionality and Institutions: Determinants of Social Benefit Dependency 01.09.2020 to 31.12.2024
General project description

This project studies the role of personal resources i.e. human capital, social capital, cultural capital and health) on social benefit dependency. The affect of these resources can change over time and be associated with the migration backgrounds, sex and age of individuals at the bottom of the labor market. Therefore, this study takes an intersectional approach on the dynamics that underly social benefit dependency, while considering formal and informal institutions. This project will combine administrative data and longitudinal survey data.

External funding Gak Institute