Dr. ir. W. (Wilma) Steeneveld

Dr. ir. W. (Wilma) Steeneveld

Assistant Professor
Evidence Based Veterinary Medicine
+31 30 253 1233
H2020 DECIDE project 01.07.2021 to 30.06.2026
General project description

A Horizon 2020 project entiteld: “Data-driven control and prioritisation of non-EU-regulated contagious animal diseases (DECIDE)” with19 partners from 11 countries coordinated by Gerdien van Schaik. The main goal of the DECIDE project is to develop data-driven decision support tools and workflows with which farmers and veterinarians can make informed decisions for the control of endemic contagious diseases in calves, broilers, piglets and salmon. These decisions take into account the presence of the infection, the direct production losses, the impact on welfare and the costs and benefits of any treatment. The DECIDE consortium consists of experts from different disciplines and sectors, namely veterinary epidemiology and diagnostics, social sciences, economics, animal welfare, information technology, artificial intelligence, data sciences, and mechanistic and predictive modelling.

EU grant

website project: https://decideproject.eu/

Twitter account: https://twitter.com/decide_h2020