Scholarly publications
Gubbels, J., Hornstra, L., van Weerdenburg, M., Diepstraten, I., & Bakx, A. (Accepted/In press). Educators’ attitudes, self-efficacy, and classroom practices toward high-ability students: The role of school culture and schools’ collective efficacy. Roeper Review.
van Leest, A., Hornstra, L., van Tartwijk, J., & van de Pol, J. (2024).
Teachers taking perceptions of student attributes into consideration when formulating track recommendations? British Educational Research Journal,
50(3), 1127-1171. van Leest, A., van de Pol, J., van Tartwijk, J., & Hornstra, L. (2024).
Inconsistency in student achievement across subject domains: examination of associations with students’ gender, socioeconomic status, and teachers’ track recommendations.
Educational Research and Evaluation. Advance online publication. Flunger, B., Verdonschot, A., Zitzmann, S.
, Hornstra, L., & van Gog, T. (2024).
A Bayesian approach to students’ perceptions of teachers’ autonomy support.
Learning and Instruction,
91, 1-17. Article 101873. Arztmann, M., Domínguez Alfaro, J. L.
, Hornstra, L., Jeuring, J., & Kester, L. (2024).
In-game performance: The role of students' socio-economic status, self-efficacy and situational interest in an augmented reality game.
British Journal of Educational Technology,
55(2), 484-498. 2023
Scholarly publications
van Vemde, L., Thijs, J., & Hornstra, L. (2023).
The classroom social environment in mixed secondary school classes: The role of ethnic classroom composition and classmates’ explicitly and implicitly measured ethnic attitudes.
Social Psychology of Education,
26(2), 333-366. Hornstra, L., Mathijssen, S.
, Denissen, J., & Bakx, A. (2023).
Academic motivation of intellectually gifted students and their classmates in regular primary school classes: A multidimensional, longitudinal, person- and variable-centered approach.
Learning and Individual Differences,
107, Article 102345. Bloem, J., Flunger, B., Stroet, K.
, & Hornstra, L. (2023).
Differences in need-supportive teaching toward students from different socioeconomic backgrounds and the role of teachers’ attitudes.
Social Psychology of Education. Advance online publication. Hornstra, L., Stroet, K., Rubie-Davies, C., & Flint, A. (2023).
Teacher Expectations and Self-Determination Theory: Considering Convergence and Divergence of Theories.
Educational Psychology Review,
35(3), Article 76. Gerritsen, S.
, Poorthuis, A. M. G., Bakx, A.
, & Hornstra, L. (2023).
(Not) Swimming with the Big Fish: Primary School Students’ Competence Satisfaction and Frustration in High-Ability Pull-Out Classes.
Contemporary Educational Psychology,
73, Article 102171., P.
, Hornstra, L., Schuitema, J.
, & Poorthuis, A. M. G. (2023).
Attributional Profiles: Considering Multiple Causal Attributions for Success and Failure at the Beginning of Secondary School.
Contemporary Educational Psychology,
73, Article 102164. Vink, I., Hornstra, L., & Kroesbergen, E. (2023).
Latent Profile Analysis of Working Memory: Relations with Creativity and Academic Achievement.
Creativity Research Journal. Advance online publication. Verbree, A. R.
, Hornstra, L., Maas, L., & Wijngaards-de Meij, L. (2023).
Conscientiousness as a Predictor of the Gender Gap in Academic Achievement.
Research in Higher Education,
64(3), 451–472., M., Hornstra, L., Jeuring, J., & Kester, L. (2023).
Effects of games in STEM education: a meta-analysis on the moderating role of student background characteristics.
Studies in Science Education,
59(1), 109-145. Schuurman, T., Henrichs, L., Schuurman, N., Polderdijk, S., & Hornstra, L. (2023).
Learning Loss in Vulnerable Student Populations after the first COVID-19 School Closure in the Netherlands.
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research,
67(2), 309-326. van Leeuwen, A., Hornstra, T. E., & Flunger, B. (2023).
Need Supportive Collaborative Learning: Are Teachers Necessary or Do Students Support each other’s Basic Psychological Needs.
Educational Studies,
49(1), 131-146 . Professional publications
Hornstra, L. (2023). Effecten van de plusklas op motivatie. In De Gids 2.0. Over begaafdheid in het basisonderwijs
Scholarly publications
van Leest, A., Hornstra, L., van Tartwijk, J., & van de Pol, J. (2022). Zouden basisschoolleerkrachten hun perceptie van leerlingkenmerken moeten meewegen bij het opstellen van basisschooladviezen?. Abstract from Onderwijs Research Dagen 2022 Hasselt, Hasselt, Belgium.
Hornstra, L., van Weerdenburg, M., van den Brand, M., Hoogeveen, L., & Bakx, A. (2022).
High-Ability Students’ Need Satisfaction and Motivation in Pull-Out and Regular Classes: A Quantitative and Qualitative Comparison Between Settings.
Roeper Review,
44(3), 157-172. Flunger, B., Hollmann, L.
, Hornstra, L., & Murayama, K. (2022).
It’s more about a lesson than a domain: Lesson-specific autonomy support, motivation, and engagement in math and a second language.
Learning and Instruction,
77, 1-13. Article 101500. Hornstra, L., van den Bergh, L.
, Denissen, J., Diepstraten, I., & Bakx, A. (2022).
Parents' perceptions of secondary school students' motivation and well-being before and during the COVID-19 lockdown: The moderating role of student characteristics.
Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs,
22(3), 209-220. Charki, F. Z., Hornstra, L., & Thijs, J. (2022).
How Do I Get on With my Teacher? Affective Student-Teacher Relationships and the Religious Match Between Students and Teachers in Islamic Primary Schools.
British Journal of Educational Psychology,
92(2), 465-483. Article e12457. Denessen, E.
, Hornstra, T. E., van den Bergh, L., & Bijlstra, G. (2022).
Implicit Measures of Teachers' Attitudes and Stereotypes, and their Effects on Teacher Practice and Student Outcomes: A Review .
Learning and Instruction,
78, 1-15. Article 101437. publications
Dood, C., Gubbels, J., Hornstra, L., Diepstraten, I., & Bakx, A. (2022). Literatuurstudie naar effectieve professionaliseringsactiviteiten voor leraren. Expertisecentrum Nederlands/ Radboud Universiteit RATiO.
Hornstra, L., Bakx, A., Denissen, J., & Mathijssen, S. (2022). Motiveren van (hoog)begaafde leerlingen en hun klasgenoten op reguliere basisscholen. Onderwijstijd, 2(1), 28-33.
Scholarly publications
Verbree, A.-R.
, Maas, L., Hornstra, L., & Wijngaards, L. (2021).
Personality predicts academic achievement in higher education: Differences by academic field of study? Learning and Individual Differences,
92, Article 102081. Vemde, L., Hornstra, L., & Thijs, J. (2021).
Classroom Predictors of National Belonging: The Role of Interethnic Contact and Teachers’ and Classmates’ Diversity Norms.
Journal of Youth and Adolescence,
50(8), 1709-1725. Van Rossen, J.
, Hornstra, T. E., & Poorthuis, A. M. G. (2021).
High-ability students in pull-out programs and regular classes: A longitudinal study on perceived social relationships in two settings.
Journal of School Psychology,
85, 1-16., T. E., K., S.
, & Weijers, D. (2021).
Profiles of teachers’ need-support: How do autonomy support, structure, and involvement cohere and predict motivation and learning outcomes.
Teaching and Teacher Education,
99, 1-12. Article 103257. Polman, J.
, Hornstra, T. E., & Volman, M. (2021).
The meaning of meaningful learning in mathematics in upper primary education.
Learning Environments Research,
24(3), 469-486. Leest, A. M. C., Hornstra, T. E., van Tartwijk, J. W. F., & van de Pol, J. E. (2021).
Test‐ or judgement‐based school track recommendations: Equal opportunities for students with different socio‐economic backgrounds? British Journal of Educational Psychology,
91(1), 193-216. 2020
Scholarly publications
Hornstra, T. E., Bakx, A., Mathijssen, S.
, & Denissen, J. (2020).
Motivating gifted and non-gifted students in regular primary schools: A self-determination perspective.
Learning and Individual Differences,
80, Article 101871. Domen, J.
, Hornstra, T. E., Weijers, D., van der Veen, I., & Peetsma, T. (2020).
Differentiated Need Support by Teachers: Student-specific Provision of Autonomy and Structure and Relations with Student Motivation.
British Journal of Educational Psychology,
90(2), 403-423., A., Schoevers, E., Bomhof, M., Walraven, M.
, Hornstra, T. E., & Poelman, M. (2020).
Monitor subsidieregeling (hoog)begaafden in het primair en voortgezet onderwijs: Meting 2019/2020. Oberon., A., Samsen-Bronsveld, E.
, Hornstra, T. E., diepstraten, I., Speetjens, P. A. M., van den Bergh, L., Denissen, J., & Van der Ven, S. (2020).
Het welbevinden en motivatie van kinderen in het basisonderwijs tijdens onderwijs op school en afstandsonderwijs: De visie van ouders. POINT013., A., Samsen-Bronsveld, E.
, Hornstra, T. E., diepstraten, I., Speetjens, P. A. M., van den Bergh, L., Denissen, J., & Van der Ven, S. (2020).
Het welbevinden en motivatie van middelbare scholieren tijdens onderwijs op school en afstandsonderwijs: De visie van ouders. POINT013.
Scholarly publications
Hornstra, T. E., Mathijssen, S., Bakx, A., & Denissen, J. (2019). Need-supportive teaching and motivation of gifted and non-gifted students in regular primary schools. Paper presented at EARLI (2019), Aachen, Germany.
Hornstra, T. E., Mathijssen, S., Bakx, A., & Denissen, J. (2019). Behoefte-ondersteunend onderwijs en motivatie van hoogbegaafde en niet-hoogbegaafde leerlingen.. Paper presented at Onderwijs Research Dagen, Heerlen, Netherlands.
Bakx, A., van Houtert, T., van den Brand, B.
, & Hornstra, T. E. (2019).
A comparison of high-ability pupils’ views vs. regular ability pupils’ views of characteristics of good primary school teachers.
Educational Studies,
45(1), 35-56. publications
Hornstra, T. E. (2019). Werkplaats POINT 013: Samen onderzoek doen naar het motiveren van (hoog)begaafde leerlingen. NRO Congres, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Bakx, A., Laurens, N., van Geloven, N., Heikamp, N., van Dongen, E., Berkers, G., Hornstra, T. E., Mathijssen, S., Rand, L., van Houtert, T., & van den Brand, M. (2019). EnIQma: Professionaliseringsspel (hoog)begaafdheid. Van Gorcum.
Scholarly publications
Hornstra, T. E., Stroet, K., van Eijden, E., Goudsblom, J., & Roskamp, C. (2018).
Teacher expectation effects on need-supportive teaching, student motivation, and engagement: A self-determination perspective.
Educational Research and Evaluation,
24(3-5), 324-345 . Hornstra, T. E., van Leeuwen, A., & Flunger, B. (2018). Basic psychological need support by teachers and peers during collaborative learning. Paper presented at International conference on motivation (ICM), Aarhus, Denmark.
Hornstra, T. E., Denessen, E., & van den Bergh, L. (2018). Research contributions to implicit measures on teachers’ stereotypical attitudes, teacher practice and student outcomes. Paper presented at International conference on motivation (ICM), Aarhus, Denmark.
Domen, J., Hornstra, T. E., Weijers, D., van der Veen, I., & Peetsma, T. (2018). Leerkrachtdifferentiatie in autonomie en structuur: Relaties met motivatie van leerlingen. Paper presented at Onderwijs Research Dagen (Nijmegen), Nijmegen, Netherlands.
Thijs, J. T., Hornstra, T. E., & Charki, F. Z. (2018).
Self-esteem and national identification in times of Islamophobia: A study among Islamic school children in the Netherlands.
Journal of Youth and Adolescence,
47(12), 2521-2534. Hornstra, T. E., Kamsteeg, A., Pot, S., & Verheij, L. (2018).
A dual pathway of student motivation: Combining an implicit and explicit measure of student motivation.
Frontline Learning Research,
6(1), 1-18. Mainhard, M. T., Oudman, V. S., Hornstra, T. E., Bosker, R. J., & Goetz, T. (2018).
Student emotions in class: The relative importance of teachers and their interpersonal relations with students.
Learning and Instruction,
53(February), 109-119. Professional publications
Hornstra, T. E. (2018). Schoolrapportage POINT-onderzoek: Motivatie en behoefte-ondersteunend lesgeven. Universiteit Utrecht.
van Look, C. J., Broekhuizen, M. L., Damhuis, C. M. P., Henrichs, L. F., Hornstra, T. E., de Jong, E. M., de Kleijn, R. A. M., van Leest, A. M. C., van Aarsen, E., Bomhof, M., de Wit, W., Bisschop, P.
, & van Tartwijk, J. W. F. (2018).
Onderwijskansen in Utrecht. Hornstra, T. E. (2018). Autonomie en structuur bieden in een diverse klas. Zorgbreed, 15, 18-20.
van der Linden, D., van den Brand, M., & Hornstra, T. E. (2018). Motivatie in de rekenles. Zorg Primair, (5), 22-23.
van Dongen, E., & Hornstra, T. E. (2018). Hogere orde denkvragen. Zorg Primair, (5), 16-18.
van Elderen, L., & Hornstra, T. E. (2018). De kloof tussen plusklas en reguliere klas. Zorg Primair, 5, 12-13.
Scholarly publications
Hornstra, T. E., Majoor, M., & Peetsma, T. (2017).
Achievement goal profiles and developments in effort and achievement in upper elementary school.
British Journal of Educational Psychology,
87(4), 606-629. Professional publications
Buijs, E., Hornstra, T. E., & Peetsma, T. (2017). Beste plek voor excellente leerlingen? Didactief, 47(4), 36-37.
Hornstra, T. E. (2017). Van 'moetivatie' naar motivatie: Negen praktijkprincipes die leerlingen motiveren. Van twaalf tot achttien, 27(3), 31-33.
Other output
Hornstra, T. E., K., S., & Weijers, D. (2017). Profielen van behoefte-ondersteuning - Hoe combineren docenten autonomie, structuur en verbondenheid en hoe hangt dit samen met motivatie en leerprestaties?. Paper presented at Onderwijs Research Dagen 2017, Antwerpen, Belgium.
Hornstra, T. E., van Leeuwen, A., & Flunger, B. (2017). Samenwerkend leren bezien vanuit zelfdeterminatie-theorie. Paper presented at Onderwijs Research Dagen 2017, Antwerpen, Belgium.
Hornstra, T. E., Weijers, D., van der Veen, I., & Peetsma, T. (2017). Supporting students’ need for autonomy and structure: An intervention study in secondary school. Paper presented at 17th Biennial EARLI Conference, Tampere, Finland.
Weijers, D., & Hornstra, T. E. (2017). Motivating primary school students with diverse backgrounds: Effects of a teacher training. Paper presented at 17th Biennial EARLI Conference, Tampere, Finland.
Scholarly publications
Jansen In De Wal, J.
, Hornstra, L., Prins, F. J., Peetsma, T., & Van Der Veen, I. (2016).
The prevalence, development and domain specificity of elementary school students’ achievement goal profiles.
Educational Psychology,
36, 1303-1322. publications
Hornstra, T. E., Weijers, D., Peetsma, T., & van der Veen, I. (2016).
Motiverend lesgeven. Hoe kan je als docent condities scheppen waarbinnen leerlingen zichzelf kunnen motiveren? Handleiding voor docenten. Universiteit Utrecht. Hornstra, T. E. (2016). Niet moeten, maar willen. Didactief, 46(5).
Other output
Weijers, D., Hornstra, T. E., van der Veen, I., & Peetsma, T. (2016). Het motiveren van leerlingen met verschillende achtergrondkenmerken en prestatieniveaus: Een docententraining in autonomie-ondersteuning en structuurdifferentiatie.. Paper presented at ORD, Rotterdam.
Hornstra, T. E., Poorthuis, A. M. G., van der Veen, I., & Peetsma, T. (2016). Groepsnormen en de houding ten opzichte van hoge cijfers: Effecten op veranderingen in prestatievermijding, inzet en onderpresteren bij normaal begaafde en meerbegaafde leerlingen. Paper presented at ORD, Rotterdam.
Hornstra, T. E., Majoor, M., & Peetsma, T. (2016). A multiple goal perspective: Antecedents and consequences of achievement goal profiles. Paper presented at International Conference on Motivation (ICM), Thessaloniki, Greece.
Scholarly publications
Hornstra, L., Mansfield, C., van der Veen, I., Peetsma, T., & Volman, M. (2015).
Motivational teacher strategies: The role of beliefs and contextual factors.
Learning Environments Research,
18(3), 363-392. Hornstra, L., Van Der Veen, I., Peetsma, T., & Volman, M. (2015).
Innovative learning and developments in motivation and achievement in upper primary school.
Educational Psychology,
35(5), 598-633. Hornstra, L., Van Der Veen, I., Peetsma, T., & Volman, M. (2015).
Does classroom composition make a difference: effects on developments in motivation, sense of classroom belonging, and achievement in upper primary school.
School Effectiveness and School Improvement,
26(2), 125-152. Professional publications
Hornstra, T. E. (2015). Hoe kijken wij naar meerbegaafde leerlingen? Zeven perspectieven gepresenteerd. Zorg Primair, 15(7).
Hornstra, L., van der Veen, I., & Peetsma, T. (2015). Intrinsiek motiveren: Van een prestatiegerichte aanpak naar een leergerichte aanpak. Bij de les. Magazine voor schooldecanaat en leerlingbegeleiding, 11(1), 30-31.
Scholarly publications
van der Veen, I., Hornstra, L., Roorda, D., & Peetsma, T. (2014). Differences in motivation and the effects of autonomy support on motivation and achievement of students from non-western ethnic minorities and ethnic majority students: Literature review. Kohnstamm Instituut.
Professional publications
van der Veen, I., Weijers, D., Dikkers, L., Hornstra, L., & Peetsma, T. (2014). Willen zij wel leren? Didaktief, 44(10), 32.
van der Veen, I., Weijers, D., Dikkers, L., Hornstra, L., & Peetsma, T. (2014). Een praktijkreviewstudie naar het motiveren van leerlingen met verschillende prestatieniveaus en sociale en etnische achtergrond. Kohnstamm Instituut.
Scholarly publications
Hornstra, L., van der Veen, I., Peetsma, T., & Volman, M. (2013).
Developments in motivation and achievement during primary school: A longitudinal study on group-specific differences.
Learning and Individual Differences,
23, 195-204. Professional publications
Hornstra, L. (2013). Afname motivatie begint al op de basisschool. Tijdschrift voor Remedial Teaching, 21(5), 9.
Hornstra, L. (2013). Minder motivatie begint al op de basisschool. Didaktief, 43(8), 38.
Scholarly publications
Hornstra, L., van den Bergh, L., & Denessen, E. (2011). Impliciete metingen van groepsstereotiepe houdingen van leraren. Pedagogische Studiën, 88(5), 354-366.
Scholarly publications
Denessen, E.
, Hornstra, L., & van den Bergh, L. (2010).
What is on our children's minds? An analysis of children's writings as reflections of group-specific socialisation practices.
Educational Studies,
36(1), 73-84. Article 915737690. den Bergh, L., Denessen, E.
, Hornstra, L., Voeten, M., & Holland, R. W. (2010).
The Implicit Prejudiced Attitudes of Teachers: Relations to Teacher Expectations and the Ethnic Achievement Gap.
American Educational Research Journal,
47(2), 497-527., L., Denessen, E., Bakker, J., van den Bergh, L., & Voeten, M. (2010).
Teacher Attitudes Toward Dyslexia: Effects on Teacher Expectations and the Academic Achievement of Students With Dyslexia.
Journal of Learning Disabilities,
43(6), 515-529.