Scholarly publications
Bekker, S., & van Gerven, M. (2024). In search of digital welfare states? In Herorientatie op arbeid en sociale bescherming (pp. 57-64). Wolters Kluwer.
de Kort, D., & Bekker, S. (2024).
Excluded workers and exempted employers: A qualitative study on domestic workers' access to social protection in the Netherlands.
Social Policy and Administration,
58(4), 658-671. Advance online publication. 2023
Scholarly publications
Pennings, F., & Bekker, S. (2023).
The Increasing Room for Collective Bargaining on Behalf of Self-Employed Persons.
Utrecht Law Review,
19(3), 8-24. Bekker, S., & Leschke, J. (2023).
The academic and policy roots of flexicurity and its pathways. In
Handbook of Labour Market Policy in Advanced Democracies (pp. 54-67). Edward Elgar Publishing. Munta, M., Pircher, B.
, & Bekker, S. (2023).
Ownership of national recovery plans: next generation EU and democratic legitimacy.
Journal of European Public Policy. Advance online publication. , P.
, & Bekker, S. (2023).
SURE: EU support to national short-term working schemes and its openness to non-standard workers.
European Journal of Social Security,
25(1), 41-59.
Scholarly publications
Professional publications
Bekker, S. (2022). Een leven lang leren van vraag en aanbod op de arbeidsmarkt. In W. Conen, & J. Oude Mulders (Eds.), Accumulatie van menselijk kapitaal: een levenslang proces: Liber amicorum Joop Schippers (pp. 12-15). Utrecht University.
Popularising publications
Scholarly publications
Bekker, S., & Pop, I. (2021). Flex well: Balancing labour market flexibility, security and wellbeing. In T. Laenen, B. Meuleman, A. Otto, F. Roosma, & W. van Lancker (Eds.), Leading social policy analysis from the front: Essays in honour of Wim van Oorschot (pp. 117-128). KU Leuven.
Professional publications
Scholarly publications
Bekker, S. (2020).
Fundamental rights in digital welfare states: The case of SyRI in the Netherlands. In O. Spijkers, W. G. Werner, & R. A. Wessel (Eds.),
Netherlands yearbook of international law 2019 (pp. 289-307). (Netherlands Yearbook of International Law; Vol. 50). T.M.C. Asser Press. Bekker, S. (2020).
The European Semester: Understanding an innovative governance model. In P. J. Cardwell, & M.-P. Granger (Eds.),
Research handbook on the politics of EU law (pp. 67-81). (Research Handbooks in Law and Politics). Edward Elgar Publishing. Bekker, S., & van Deurzen, I. (2020).
Photographs of young generations on the Dutch labour market.
International Labour Review,
159(2), 195-215. Bekker, S., Buerkert, J., Quirijns, Q., & Pop, I. (2020). In-Work Poverty in Times of COVID-19. In E. Aarts, H. Fleuren, M. Sitskoorn, & T. Wilthagen (Eds.), The New Common. How the COVID-19 Pandemic is Transforming Society Tilburg University.
Professional publications
Popularising publications
Bekker, S. (2020). Voorkom hoge jeugdwerkloosheid: Lessen uit de vorige crisis. Web publication/site, Sociale Vraagstukken.
Bekker, S. (2020). Verlaag jeugdwerkloosheid: Een top vijf. Web publication/site
Bekker, S., & Leschke, J. (2020). Social security innovation for inclusive worker support during the corona crisis?. Web publication/site, .
Scholarly publications
Bekker, S. (2019). Nederland in internationaal perspectief. In T. Wilthagen, S. Bekker, A. Berglind Willemsdóttir Verheul, & M. Schoots (Eds.), Alle jongeren in beeld (pp. 32-35). Tilburg University.
van Deurzen, I., & Bekker, S. (2019). Starters met flexibele banen. Mens en Maatschappij, 94(1), 131-133.
Bekker, S., & Ghailani, D. (2019).
European Union regulations and governance of part-time work. In H. Nicolaisen, H. Kavli, & R. Jensen (Eds.),
Dualisation of part-time work (pp. 35-54). Policy Press. Bekker, S., Wilthagen, T., Verheul, A., & Schoots, M. (2019). Alle jongeren in beeld: Onderzoek en expositie. Tilburg University.
van Deurzen, I., Bekker, S., & van der Meijden, M. (2019). Een flexibelere arbeidsmarkt geeft niet altijd uitzicht op stabiliteit en gezondheid. In T. Wilthagen, S. Bekker, A. Berglind Willemsdóttir Verheul, & M. Schoots (Eds.), Alle jongeren in beeld (pp. 20-22). Tilburg University.
Bekker, S., & Mailand, M. (2019).
The European flexicurity concept and the Dutch and Danish flexicurity models.
Social Policy and Administration,
53(1), 142-155. Professional publications
Scholarly publications
van Deurzen, I., Bekker, S., Bürkert, J., & Quirijns, Q. (2018). Low-wage labour and social security: Case study: The Netherlands.
Bekker, S., Wesseling, W., & Calon, E. (2018). Youth employment policies in the Netherlands. (EXCEPT Working Papers).
Bekker, S. (2018). Flexicurity in the European semester: Still a relevant policy concept. In J. Zeitlin, & A. Verdun (Eds.), EU socio-economicgovernance since the crisis (pp. 39-56). (Journal of European Public Policy Series). Routledge.
Scholarly publications
Bekker, S. (2017).
The European semester process: Adaptability and latitude in support of the European social model. In F. Vandenbroucke, C. Barnard, & G. De Baere (Eds.),
A European social union after the crisis (Vol. Cambride, pp. 238-250). Cambridge University Press. Hipp, L., Molitor, F., Leschke, J.
, & Bekker, S. (2017).
Teilzeitväter - Deutschland, Schweden, Irland und die Niederlande im Vergleich.
Zeitschrift für Familienforschung,
29(1), 32-48., S., Hipp, L., Leschke, J., & Molitor, F. (2017).
Part-time fathers and mothers? Comparing part-time employment in Germany, Sweden, Ireland and the Netherlands. In S. de Groof (Ed.),
Work-life balance in the modern work-place (pp. 27-50). (Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations). Wolters Kluwer. van der Meer, M., Muffels, R., & Bekker, S. (2017). Learning from the Dutch case: Innovating youth (un)employment policies in Amsterdam, Eindhoven and Tilburg. In STYLE Handbook
Professional publications
Cremers, J., Bekker, S., & Dekker, R. (2017). The Dutch polder model: Resilience in times of crisis. In I. Guardiancich, & O. Molina (Eds.), Talking through the crisis (pp. 189-212). ILO.
Popularising publications
Bekker, S. (2017). Nederlandse verlofrechten van vaders en moeders: Sober en ouderwets. Web publication/site
Bekker, S. (2017). A European social union: Debates on what, why and how. Web publication/site
Bekker, S. (2017, May 6). Verlofrecht is sober en ouderwets. BN/DeStem.
Scholarly publications
Muffels, R., van der Meer, M., & Bekker, S. (2016). Regional governance of youth unemployment: A comparison of three Innovative Practices of Multi-Level Cooperation in the Netherlands. (pp. 1-22). STYLE Horizon 2020 Project.
Professional publications
Bekker, S. (2016). Werkzekerheid: Een strategie voor Europa. In Samen werken aan werkzekerheid (pp. 51-52). NNBU.
Popularising publications
Scholarly publications
Bekker, S., van der Meer, M., Muffels, R. J. A., & Wilthagen, T. (2015). Policy performance and evaluation - Netherlands: youth. CROME, University of Brighton, Brighton.
Bekker, S. (2015). European socioeconomic governance in action: Coordinating social policies in the third European Semester. (OSE paper series). Observatoire social européen.
Professional publications
Bekker, S., & Bax, J. (2015). Country fiches on skills governance in the member states: The Netherlands. (European Employment Policy Observatory). European Commission.
Scholarly publications
Bekker, S., & Klosse, S. (2014). The changing legal context of employment policy coordination. European Labour Law Journal, 5(1).
Bekker, S. (2014). 'Normative Patterns and Legal Developments in the Social Dimension of the EU'. Common Market Law Review, 51(4).
Bekker, S. (2014). Guest editorial. European Labour Law Journal, 5(1), 3-5.
Wilthagen, T., Peijen, R., Dekker, R., & Bekker, S. (2014). Het perspectief van jongeren op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt: Arbeidsmarktintrede, dienstverbandtransities, aansluiting vanuit het onderwijs. Universiteit van Tilburg.
Wilthagen, A. C. J. M., Muffels, R. J. A., Verschoor, J. K., & Bekker, S. (2014). Flexicurity: The way forward. European Commission.
Professional publications
Bekker, S., & Zeedzen, B. (2014). Europa 2020: Een economische, sociale en culturele agenda.
Bekker, S., Wilthagen, A. C. J. M., Cornelissen, M., & Hurkens, V. (Ed.) (2014). Bouw sociaal Europa van bovenaf en van onderop. In Tijd voor de inhaalslag (pp. 23-32)
Bekker, S., & Zeedzen, B. (2014). Boodschap aan de Europese Commissie. Zeggenschap/Tijdschrift over arbeidsverhoudingen, 25(4), 30-32.
Bekker, S., & Wilthagen, L. (2014). Stimulating job demand. European Employment Policy Observatory, 2014(3).
Popularising publications
Bekker, S. (2014, Dec 17). Revitalising Europe 2020 to strengthen the social dimension. Development Policy Review Network.
Scholarly publications
Bekker, S. (2013). Transforming European employment policy; Labour market transition and the promotion of capability by Ralf Rogowski, Robert Salais and Noel Whiteside. A review. [Review of the book Transforming European Employment Policy; Labour Market Transition and the Promotion of Capability, R Rogowski & R. Salais, 2011]. E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies, 2(1), 137-140.
Bekker, S. (2013). The EU’s stricter economic governance: A step towards more binding coordination of social policies? WZB, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung.
Bekker, S., & Klosse, S. (2013). EU governance of economic and social policies. European Journal of Social Law, June 2013(2), 103-120.
Professional publications
Bekker, S. (2013). Promoting green jobs throughout the crisis, the Netherlands. European Employment Observatory Review, 2013(1), 1-10.
Bekker, S. (2013). Maak een plan om jongeren perspectief te bieden. Zeggenschap/Tijdschrift over arbeidsverhoudingen, 2013(3), 8-10.
Popularising publications
Bekker, S. (2013). A new space for EU social policy coordination? Policy Network Opinion, 1.
Scholarly publications
Chung, H.
, Bekker, S., & Houwing, H. (2012).
Young people and the post-recession labour market in the context of Europe 2020.
Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research,
18(3), 301-317., S., & Palinkas, I. (2012). The impact of the financial crisis on EU economic governance. Tilburg Law Review, 17(2012), 360-366.
Bekker, S. (2012). Flexicurity: The emergence of a European concept. (Social Europe Series). Intersentia.
Bekker, S. (2012). De EU verlangt óók sociale investeringen. In R. Dekker, & T. Wilthagen (Eds.), ReflecTies op de arbeidsmarkt (pp. 123-125). Celsus juridische uitgeverij.
Professional publications
Bekker, S. (2012). Over jeugdwerklooshid is het in Nederland te stil. In R. Dekker, & T. Wilthagen (Eds.), ReflecTies op de arbeidsmarkt (pp. 123-125). Celsus juridische uitgeverij.
Bekker, S., & Vink, D. (2012). Tackling long-term unemployment: Experiences from the Netherlands. Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung.
Bekker, S. (2012). Making (it) work in communities: A regional approach to preventing and solving unemployment. (Mutual Learning Programme Spring Peer Reviews). GHK Consulting Ltd and CERGE-EI.
Bekker, S. (2012). Long-term unemployment. European Employment Observatory Review, 2012(July), 1-10.
Bekker, S., & van Benthem, W. J. A. (2012). Labour market flexibility in the Netherlands: trends and impact. REFLECT.
Bekker, S. (2012). Employment policies to promote active ageing, the Netherlands. European Employment Observatory Review, 2012(2), 1-10.
Popularising publications
Bekker, S. (2012). De positie van jongeren op de arbeidsmarkt wordt steeds slechter. Brabants dagblad, 14-15.
Scholarly publications
Professional publications
Bekker, S., Dekker, R., & Posthumus, M. A. C. (2011). Self-employment in the Netherlands. In need for more securities?, 2011(78), 189-200.
Bekker, S. (2011). De jeugd en de toekomst van de arbeidsmarkt. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 27(2), 176-178.
Bekker, S., & Lanting, B. B. B. (2011). Adapting unemployment benefit systems to the economic cycle, the Netherlands. The Book Review, 2011(July).
Scholarly publications
Bekker, S., & Wilthagen, A. C. J. M. (2010). International policies for driving participation. In Bridging the gap (pp. 51-91). Regio Randstad.
Professional publications
Bekker, S. (2010). Youth measures 2010. European Employment Observatory Review, 2010(October), 1-8.
Bekker, S. (2010). Youth employment measures. Netherlands Journal of Medicine, 2010(October), 1-8.
Wilthagen, A. C. J. M., & Bekker, S. (2010). Tweedeling op de arbeidsmarkt. In A. C. J. M. Wilthagen (Ed.), Over de arbeidsmarkt gesproken (pp. 31-33). Celsus juridische uitgeverij.
Bekker, S., & Posthumus, M. A. C. (2010). Self-employment in the Netherlands. European Employment Observatory Review, 2010(July), 1-7.
Scholarly publications
Bekker, S., & Chung, H. J. (2009). Restructuring organisations while striving for flexicurity: Connecting the European level to national contexts. In M. Moreau (Ed.), Building anticipation of restructuring in Europe (pp. 303-330). Peter Lang Verlag.
Bekker, S., & Wilthagen, A. C. J. M. (2009). Flexicurity. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 24(4), 434-448.
Professional publications
Bekker, S., & Wilthagen, A. C. J. M. (2009). Perspectieven op de arbeidsmarkt: Goed werk krijgen en behouden. In De arbeidsmarkt in recessietijd (pp. 21-51). (OR strategie en beleid). Kluwer.
Scholarly publications
Bovenberg, A. L., Wilthagen, A. C. J. M., & Bekker, S. (2008). Flexicurity. CESifo DICE Report, 6(4), 9-14.
Wilthagen, A. C. J. M., & Bekker, S. (2008). Flexicurity: Is Europe right on track? In F. Hendrickx (Ed.), Flexicurity and the Lisbon agenda (pp. 33-47). Intersentia.
Wilthagen, A. C. J. M., & Bekker, S. (2008). Europas Pfade zur Flexicurity -- Lehren aus der Praxis in den Niederlanden. Recht der internationalen Wirtschaft, 54(8), 497-502.
Bekker, S., & Kok, R. A. W. (2008). De Nederlandse innovatieparadox genuanceerd. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 4529, 116-118.
Bekker, S., Wilthagen, T., Madsen, P. K., Zhou, J., Rogowski, R., Keune, M., & Tangian, A. (2008).
Flexicurity – a European Approach to Labour Market Policy.
43(2), 68-111. Bekker, S., Schippers, J. J., van Gestel, N., Benders, J., & de Nijs, W. (2008). Levenslang leren: Niet alleen voor kansrijken op de arbeidsmarkt. In N. van Gestel, & J. Benders (Eds.), Arbeidsbestel en arbeidsparticipatie (pp. 177-182). Lemma.
Professional publications
Wilthagen, A. C. J. M., Bekker, S., Roman, A., Schippers, J., & Voogd-Hamelink, M. (2008). Trendrapport: Aanbod van arbeid 2007. (OSA-publicatie). Organisatie voor Strategisch Arbeidsmarktonderzoek (OSA).
Bekker, S. (2008). PES in the Netherlands. Structure, task and results, 6(7), 56-66.
Wilthagen, A. C. J. M., Bekker, S., Chung, H. J., & Rabhi, M. (2008). Decent work country report: The Netherlands. ILO.
Bekker, S. (2008). Bouwen aan flexicurity in de Europese Unie. In A. van Halem (Ed.), Flexicurity (pp. 27-45). (OR Strategie en beleid). Kluwer.
Wilthagen, A. C. J. M., & Bekker, S. (2008). Flexicurity: Een welkome revolutie op de Europese arbeidsmarkt . Waterstof: Krant van Waterland, 20-25.
Scholarly publications
Wilthagen, A. C. J. M., Bekker, S., & Klosse, S. (2007). Making (It) Work: Introduction to the Special Issue on the Future of the European Employment Strategy. International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 23(4), 489-498.
Wilthagen, A. C. J. M., & Bekker, S. (2007). In search of the best of both worlds. Tilburg Law Review, 14(1-2), 128-144.
Wilthagen, A. C. J. M., Bekker, S., & van Velzen, M. J. T. (2007). Economische doelmatigheid versus zekerheid: in of uit fase? In A. T. J. M. Jacobs, & F. Pennings (Eds.), Een inspirerende Fase in het arbeidsrecht (pp. 313-328). Paris.
Professional publications
Bekker, S., Ester, P., Evers, G. H. M., Gielen, A. C., Josten, E. J. C., Kerkhofs, M. J. M., Roman, A., Schippers, J. J., & de Voogd-Hamelink, M. (2007). Trendrapport vraag naar arbeid 2006. OSA.
Scholarly publications
Bekker, S., Ester, P., & Wilthagen, A. C. J. M. (2006). De oudere en de jongere werknemer. Arbeid integraal: bulletin arbeid, sociale zekerheid & Recht, 1, 5-16.
Bekker, S., Ester, P., & Wilthagen, A. C. J. M. (2006). Arbeid, levensloop en generaties: Jong en oud en hun lotgevallen op de arbeidsmarkt. In P. Ester, R. Muffels, & J. Schippers (Eds.), Dynamiek en levensloop (pp. 61-78). Koninklijke Van Gorcum.
Professional publications
Wilthagen, A. C. J. M., & Bekker, S. (2006). Werk maken van de transitionele arbeidsmarkt. (Overheid & Arbeid). CAOP.
Scholarly publications
Bekker, S., Gielen, A. C., Kerkhofs, M. J. M., Meihuizen, H., Roman, A., Schippers, J., & de Voogd, M. (2005). Vraag naar arbeid 2004. OSA.
Bekker, S., Ester, P., & Wilthagen, A. C. J. M. (2005). Van estafette-loop naar samen-loop. Over.Werk : Tijdschrift van het steunpunt WAV, 15(4), 152-156.
Bekker, S., Ester, P., & Wilthagen, A. C. J. M. (2005). Jong en oud op de arbeidsmarkt. Elsevier, Reed Business Information.
Professional publications
Bekker, S., & Wilthagen, A. C. J. M. (2005). Contributions from the Netherlands to the European Employment Observatory, 2003-2004. OSA.
Professional publications
Baars, M., Bekker, S., Van Essen, G., Grim, R., Josten, E., Meihuizen, H., & De Voogd-Hamelink, M. (2004). Trendrapport aanbod van arbeid in zorg en welzijn 2003. OSA.
Bekker, S., van Essen, G., Josten, E. J. C., & Meihuizen, H. (2004). Trendrapport aanbod van arbeid in zorg en welzijn 2003. Een onderzoek onder verpleegkundigen, verzorgenden en agogisch werkenden. OSA.
Bekker, S., & Wilthagen, A. C. J. M. (2004). Thematic report on quality in work. European Employment Observatory Review.
Bekker, S., & Wilthagen, A. C. J. M. (2004). Thematic overview: Fighting the immeasurable? Addressing the phenomenon of undeclared work in the European Union: The Netherlands. European Employment Observatory Review, 138-142.
Bekker, S., & Wilthagen, A. C. J. M. (2004). The Netherlands: Quality in work. European Employment Observatory Review, spring, 108-113.
Scholarly publications
Croonen, E. P. M., Bekker, S., Konter, D. J., & Terlouw, P. (2003). Sta vroeg op, werk hard en vind olie! In Netwerken PREBEM/NOBEM.
Croonen, E. P. M., Konter, D. J., Terlouw, P., & Bekker, S. (2003). Promoveren: een wegwijzer voor de beginnend wetenschapper. In Netwerken PREBEM/NOBEM.
Terlouw, P., Konter, D. J., Croonen, E. P. M., & Bekker, S. (2003). Netwerken: Exploitatie en exploratie; Geselecteerde papers van het PREBEM Congres. PREBEM/NOBEM.
Professional publications
Bekker, S., Fouarge, D. J. A. G., Kerkhofs, M. J. M., Roman, A., de Voogd-Hamelink, A. M., Wilhagen, T., & de Wolff, C. J. (2003). Trendrapport vraag naar arbeid 2002. OSA.
Bekker, S., & Wilthagen, A. C. J. M. (2003). Thematic report on immigrant workers. European Employment Observatory Review, 90-96.
Bekker, S., & Wilthagen, A. C. J. M. (2003). The Netherlands. European Employment Observatory Review, autumn, 90-96.
Wilthagen, A. C. J. M., & Bekker, S. (2003). Contributions from the Netherlands to the European Employment Observatory 2002-2003. OSA.
Bekker, S., & Meihuizen, H. (2003). Arbeidsparticipatie van allochtonen en multicultureel personeelsbeleid in zorg en welzijn, een kwantitatief onderzoek. OSA.
Bekker, S., van Essen, G., Josten, E. J. C., Meihuizen, H., Allaart, P. C., & Kunnen, R. (2003). Arbeid in zorg en welzijn: Integrerend OSA-rapport 2003. OSA.
Scholarly publications
Benders, J. G. J. M., Bekker, S., & Mol, M. (2002). Consensus and confrontation; Fast-food in the Netherlands. In T. Royle, & B. Towers (Eds.), Labour Relations in the Global Fast-Food Industry Routledge.
Scholarly publications
Bekker, S. (2000). The transformation in work organisation; Debates on the diffusion of new production concepts. In J. Hollander, & P. Vermeulen (Eds.), Innovation in theory and Practice NOBO.
Professional publications
Bekker, S. (2000). Nederlandse chemische industrie; handboek OR. Samson.
Bekker, S. (2000). Hoe werkt de chemische industrie? C2W medicines, 36.
Scholarly publications
Bekker, S., & Benders, J. G. J. M. (1999). Boekbespreking F. Pot; Continuity and change of Human Resource Management. [Review of the book Continuity and change of Human Resource Management, F. Pot, 1999]. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 15(3), 279-280.